THE Natural medicinewhich have gained popularity in recent decades, have always been used to treat various diseases.
One of the symptoms that can be treated naturally, without going to the pharmacy, is the dry cough that usually accompanies the common cold, flu, asthma or bronchitis. Without a doubt, a very annoying symptom.
THE eucalyptus leaf, a tree native to Australia and widespread in our country, is one of the home remedies that most contribute to eliminating these inconveniences. Here are the explanations for prepare and use it correctly.
Eucalyptus for dry cough
The Mayo Clinic website explains that “a cough is the body’s way of responding when something irritates the throat or respiratory tract.”
It occurs when “an irritant stimulates nerves that send a message to the brain. The brain then tells the muscles in the chest and abdomen to release the air from the lungs expel the irritant”.
Therefore, adds the prestigious American clinic, coughing every now and then is normal and even healthy. But “a cough that persists for several weeks or that is accompanied by expectoration with discolored or bloody mucus may indicate an illness requiring urgent medical attention.”
THE dry cough, which can be very strong, causes irritation of the lungs and, therefore, more and more coughing. This causes fatigue and can affect sleep, cause dizziness or fainting, headaches, urinary incontinence, vomiting and even broken ribs.
AS, get relief from cough which seems eternal is a more urgent need for those who suffer from it.
Eucalyptus is such a popular choice that it has been used for centuries. To relieve cough, you can prepare a eucalyptus infusion with dried leaves sold in health food stores or herbalist’s shops.
How to prepare eucalyptus for cough
The UnComo health portal recommends some formulas with eucalyptus for relieve coughs and other respiratory disorders:
- Boil 250 to 500 ml of water in a container.
- Put some dry eucalyptus leaves (cut into pieces) and let boil for another 5 minutes.
- Filter the infusion and add honey to sweeten or lemon (to taste).
- It can be drunk two or three times a day to relieve dry cough and congestion.
- In a saucepan, boil water and add some dried eucalyptus leaves or a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
- Next, place a towel over your head and hold your face over the pot, to deeply inhale the vapors, being careful not to burn yourself with the steam.
- Perform these inhalations for 10-15 minutes, several times a day to clear the airways and relieve coughing.
Eucalyptus oil and other resources
Eucalyptus oil is also very effective in relieving coughs.
In this case, a few drops of eucalyptus oil should be mixed with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or olive oil) and rub it on your chest and throat.
THE pills or sweetsmade from eucalyptus oil and sold in pharmacies and natural product stores, they are another solution to stop the most annoying cough.
When to see the doctor
According to the specialized health portal Healthline, dry cough usually resolves on its own. Some symptoms, however, indicate it is necessary to consult your personal doctor:
- Difficulty breathing or catching your breath
- Wheezing
- Chest or back pain
- Fever
- Chills that make you tremble
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.