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What is the miraculous prayer to Saint Cyprian to eliminate love problems

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Always, the Heart problems They kept us worried (and busy).

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Frustrated love, heartbreak or indifference have certainly been part of our emotional life. And they caused us one or the other sadness.

It is in those moments that we usually resort to various strategies to try to deal with the situation and try to resolve it (or, at least, come out of it as little damaged as possible).

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Some place pink or red candles, others turn to love rituals and there are also those who prefer to dedicate themselves to them they pray and ask heaven for the illumination they need.

This note is for them.

Who was Saint Cyprian

Bishop of Carthage, Saint Cyprian (c.200-258) was an astute and skillful administrator who converted to Christianity as an adult.

After distribute your goods among the poor and having become a priest, he assumed the African seat around the year 248.

Shortly afterwards he had to face the persecution of Christians ordered by the emperor Decius. Furthermore, he supported Pope St. Cornelius (c.180-253) in his fight against the Novatian heresy.

Saint Cyprian.  Photo: ApologeticsSaint Cyprian. Photo: Apologetics

The first bishop of Carthage to become a martyr, the Church remembers him, together with Saint Cornelius, every September 16th.

In his youth, of which there is practically no data, Saint Cyprian would have resorted witchcraft. Perhaps for this reason his prayer is considered a remedy for problems of the romantic heart.

The miraculous prayer to Saint Cyprian to eliminate love problems

There are some prayers to Saint Cyprian. One of them is quite short and goes like this:

“Saint Cyprian, blessed among saints, I implore your favor. Make them feel (say the person’s name) that they need my closeness, that they can’t stand my absence and call me.

Make my phone ring so I can hear (person’s name)’s voice on the other end. Saint Cyprian, almighty benefactor, grant this simple wish, to listen to the sweet voice of (person’s name).

Prayer to Saint Cyprian is miraculous for finding love again.  Photo: ShutterstockPrayer to Saint Cyprian is miraculous for finding love again. Photo: Shutterstock

And to be able to feel it, enjoy it and adore it once again. Saint Cyprian, convince (person’s name) to call me, wherever he is and at this precise moment. Have him dial my phone because he wants to listen to me and laugh or cry with me.

another prayera little wider and what the site offers My daily prayerHe says:

“Mighty Saint Cyprian, please make (person’s name) feel for me (say your name) an unusual desire, a true, warm, respectful and deep love such as he has never felt for another person and not will ever hear. “.

Let him find pleasure only with me and no one else, let him feel desire only for me, and let his body belong only to me, let him have peace only if he feels good with me.

Saint Cyprian is invoked in moments of emotional sadness.  Photo: ShutterstockSaint Cyprian is invoked in moments of emotional sadness. Photo: Shutterstock

With all my heart, with all my being, I tell you mighty saint that my total trust is placed in God and you, I thank you Saint Cyprian for working in my favor and I will spread your name and your miracles in payment to tame (person’s name) and carry him loving, affectionate, devoted, devoted, faithful and full of desire into my arms, never to leave him.

So it will happen, so I hope, so it will happen as soon as possible, so you will do, blessed Saint Cyprian, in you is my security, I know that you will grant me my most ardent desires.

I will win this battle and be happy again with (say your name), nothing will stop us and our love will always triumph. So it comes true, so I wish it, so you will, so I hope, with all the hope that you, blessed Cyprian, will get me out of this love problem. “

Source: Clarin

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