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What is the most sensitive organ in the human body

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Although not many people know it, the fur Not only is it part of the group of organs that the human body possesses, but it is the greatest of all (an average adult has a surface area of ​​2 m2 which weighs approximately 5 kilos) and one of the most sensitive.

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Being constantly exposed, The skin is a living organ with the ability to regenerate that remains active throughout the day. Therefore, it is vital for the human body. It is also constantly in contact with the other organs.

The sensitivity of the skin is reflected in how quickly it hurts after receiving a bump or scratch. You can also observe him responding to emotions sent through his brain: he sweats when exposed to heat or nerves, turns red when embarrassed or humiliated, and even gets angry when faced with emotional situations.

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The skin is the most sensitive organ The skin is the most sensitive organ

Meanwhile, among its main functions, the skin functions as a protective barrier that protects the human body from diseases, injuries and It burns, among other things. Furthermore, thanks to its regenerative capacity, when it suffers a cut or a blow, it is normal for it to heal over time.

On its website, the German Hospital explains that “through the nerve endings of the skin, the body receives all the stimuli generated by touch. In just one square centimeter of skin there are more than 5,000 sensory receptors, which instantly send information to the brain.who decides how to act based on the stimulus.”

In just one square centimeter of skin there are more than 5,000 sensory receptors.  Shutterstock photo.In just one square centimeter of skin there are more than 5,000 sensory receptors. Shutterstock photo.

At the same time it is also specified that the skin is made up of three different layers divided into: external layer, internal layer and subcutaneous tissue. In detail, each of them:

  • Epidermis: It is the outer layer of the skin and the main barrier between the body and the outside world, it defends us from the growth of bacteria, fungi and UVA rays. Because it lacks blood flow, it draws nourishment from the lower layers of the skin. Through a process of its cells, it is completely renewed approximately every 48 days.
  • Dermis: It is the middle layer, thick, strong and elastic, it protects us from trauma and regulates body temperature. Due to its cellular composition and nervous structures, we feel cold, heat, pain and tickling.
  • Hypodermis: It is the subcutaneous tissue, it is mainly used to store fats, for this reason it works by maintaining body temperature.

Tips to prevent skin deterioration

  • Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, with particular attention to fruits and vegetables.
  • Cleanse yourself daily to prevent pores from becoming clogged and allow your skin to breathe normally and eliminate impurities. Using creamy grooming soaps also helps keep her nourished.
  • Carry out physical activity, contemplating a routine that includes exercise several times a week.
  • Take the necessary precautions when exposing yourself to the sun, using sun and non-sun protection, at least factor 15, applying it half an hour before exposing yourself and repeating the applications every 2 hours and after entering the water.

Source: Clarin

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