After the shocking events of the last episode of the Toei Animation production, fans of A piece They can eagerly anticipate the arrival of a new episode of this acclaimed series.
The anime, which is at the peak of popularity, will continue to release new episodes in December, keeping fans in suspense for the development of the plot and the outcome of the current story arc. Expectations are rising, as the creators are already thinking about adapting the next story arc: “the island of the future” OR “The Egghead Bow.”
Just In: One Piece Anime episode 1089 preview video revealed!
Release Date: December 24, 2023 – Title: “A Very Special Feature! “Momonosuke’s Road to Becoming a Great Shogun.”
— Manga Thrill (@MangaThrill) December 18, 2023
In parallel with the animated series, fans of the original manga and everything related to its characters will be able to immerse themselves in new live action available in Netflixwhich received praise from critics and opera fans alike.
One Piece: when does episode 1089 debut?
The studio responsible for the production of A piece, Toei Animation, and the usual programming of this series will undergo several changes. This chapter will be a filler collection for Christmas, and will be released on December 24th entitled “Momonosuke’s Path to Becoming Shogun.”
It will be a recap of Momonosuke’s story since he left Wano, and his entire relationship with Luffy during the last stretch of the series until he became Shoung.
After December 31st there will be no more chapters until Januarymonth in which the new anime saga will be premiered
One Piece: What time will chapter 1089 be released?
As we mentioned before, The next episode of the series will premiere internationally on Crunchyroll on Sunday, December 17. These are the chapter premiere times by country:
- Argentina: 6:00.
- Chile: 6:00.
- Venezuela: 5:00.
- Ecuador: 4 am.
- Colombia: 4 am.
- Mexico: 3am.
- Spain: 11:00.
Teaser trailer of Egghead in the One Piece anime
— Geo (@Geo_AW) November 26, 2023
When will the “Egghead Arc”, the next One Piece saga, begin?
According to the manufacturer, the premiere of “Egghead Bow” OR “The Island of the Future” One Piece will premiere next Sunday, January 7, 2024. According to Eiichiro Oda, creator of the popular manga, the series would end with this saga and everything indicates that it will be a preamble to the final fate of the Straw Hats: Laughing Story.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.