As expected, they join the universal Church the debate, protests and support from the pontifical document proposed by the dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, whose very new owner is the Argentine cardinal Víctor Fernández on the papal blessing for homosexual couples. The various positions reflect the growing struggle internal between progressives and traditionalists, which It’s getting hot while the most controversial reforms emerge center stage.
Among those who expressed his opinion was the Church’s most famous living theologian, German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller76 years old, Fernández’s predecessor in the Doctrine of the Faith, put into office by the late Pope Emeritus Joseph Ratzinger in 2012 and that the Argentine Pope he did not renew his five-year mandate in 2017, after several theological clashes.
Mueller is the editor of the magnum opus of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and one of the postulators of the great theologian Joseph Ratzinger to be raised to the title of Doctor of the Church.
The crux of the papal document which is causing a great stir in the Church, accepts the blessing of Catholics who have a relationship “with a “person of the same sex”but establishing it does not mean recognizing under no circumstances homosexual marriages.

Cardinal Mueller shakes his head in disapproval and underlines that it was conceivable that the new Vatican document would produce chaos and disorientation.
Mueller: “God created two sexes, male and female”
“God created two genders, male and female, and not 60 genders,” says Mueller, and this raises doubts and answers on the doctrinal framework applied in the latest document on trans people, signed by Cardinal Víctor Fernández with the Pope’s imprimatur Bergoglio, last week.
Mueller explains the errors and weak points of the text who have already responded to some important episcopal conferences such as the Polish one.
Position counting is in full development. The German Bishops’ Conference, which leads the world’s progressive wing, approved the document. Even the important archbishop of Chicago, the progressive Blase Cupich, sent a message to the two and a half million parishioners of the archdiocese in which he states that the Church needs “a pastoral attitude towards people who find themselves in irregular situationsincluding same-sex relationships”
The document by the Argentine Fernández, according to Mueller, cancels all the teachings of previous pontiffs and maintains that it is permissible for any priest to bless, not liturgically but privately, couples who live their sexuality outside of marriage, including couples of the same sex.
«It is asked whether the faithful are obliged to accept this new teaching and whether the priest is authorized to celebrate this private blessing of the new invention“.

Cardinal Mueller, considered the greatest theologian of modern times, of a conservative character, wonders whether the diocesan bishop also can forbid these blessings if they have been verified in your diocese.
The German theologian claims to have produced the document “Fiducia supplians”. “a doctrinal leap”
«We can speak of the development of doctrine if the new explanation is contained, at least implicitly, in the report and above all does not contradict the dogmatic definitions».
“This is not the case”, answer. I mean that these innovations cannot go beyond what was revealed to the Apostles as the Word of God. There are no biblical texts or of the Fathers or Doctors of the Church or of previous documents of the Magisterium in support of the conclusions of this proceeding”.
Cardinal Mueller recalls that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in March 2021, less than three years ago, He categorically denied the possibility of blessing these unions.
“For the blessings there must be consonance between them and the teachings of the Church,” he said.

That 2021 document was signed by Spanish Cardinal Luis Francisco Levada Ferrer, Mueller’s successor in the doctrine of the faith and predecessor of the Argentine Fernández, who recently arrived at the dicastery that for centuries was the most important in the Church, from the ancient Inquisition to modern era, which is responsible for it the defense of “good doctrine” and disciplinewhich includes the whole difficult issue of sexual abuse committed by members of the Church.
According to Mueller, who has not renewed his status as Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith since the time of the Argentine Pope he did not receive any other official duties of the Argentine Pope, to welcome the Gospel’s blessings of situations, the new document “proposes to broaden the concept of blessing go beyond the sacraments And power accompany the journey of those who live in sin”.
On the other hand, “for the blessing the Church has never set the same moral conditions required for receiving a sacrament”.
In an interview with the Vatican correspondent of “Il Messaggero”, Franca Giansoldati, the German theologian states that “the Church can add new sacraments to existing ones, but not change their meaning in such a way as to trivialize sinespecially in the cultural climate that deceives even the faithful.”
Cardinal Mueller He is a critic of the Pope who has always denied having participated in conspiracies and actions against Francisco by traditionalist and conservative groups. In his youth, Mueller was a student of the Peruvian Gustavo Gutiérrez, author of a remarkable book that sealed an entire movement, Liberation theologyharshly punished by the congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith at the time of Joseph Ratzinger.
Because of that experience Pope Francis did not stop bywho was critical of liberation theologians and who instead supported them the Theology of the Peoplean alternative “national and popular” of Argentine origin, created specifically by the Jesuits.
Cardinal Mueller defended in the Vatican the orthodoxy of ideas and the teachings of the Peruvian Gutiérrez and managed to ensure that he was not punished like other liberation theologians who he received harsh condemnations from Joseph Ratzingerhistoric holder of the Doctrine of the Faith during the pontificate of Saint John Paul II, his predecessor in the pontificate.
As you can see, a lot of history and great characters are intertwined around the current controversies surrounding the new pontifical document on the blessings of same-sex Catholic couples.
Cardinal Mueller claims that “there is no basis for this new use in the biblical texts nor for any previous declaration of the Magisterium”.
«Not even the texts offered by Pope Francis give foundation to this new type of blessings. The blessings according to the Roman rite already allow those who live in sin to be blessed. And this type of blessing can be applied without problems to those in prison or in a recovery community, as Francisco says.”
But according to the cardinal “these new pastoral blessings go beyond what Francis says because with them even a reality contrary to the laws of God could be blessed, as an extramarital affair.”
Mueller adds that “it is always risky to invent new terms that are contrary to current linguistic use”. “This approach leads to arbitrary exercises of power. In our case the blessing has its own objectivity and cannot be redefined to adapt it to a contrary intention, which would be arbitrary.”
«It should be noted – underlines the theologian – that here not only sinful people are blessed, but by blessing a couple the sinful relationship itself is blessed. God cannot send grace to him in a relationship which is directly opposed to him and which cannot be ordered towards him.”
“Sexual intercourse is foreign to marriage, as a sexual intercourse man cannot get close to God and cannot, therefore, be open to blessing.”
The conclusion is that “if such a blessing took place, its only effect would be to confuse the people who receive it and who witness the blessing, leading them to believe that God has blessed what He cannot bless.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.