For a few years, many dog owners have become critical of the excess of balanced foods, dry pouched foods, with which they feed their beloved pets.
This is a move that somehow reflects man’s tendency to eat increasingly healthier, favoring raw (and cooked) vegetables, legumes, fruit, wholemeal flours and sea fish.
And within the canine world, there are those who support an exclusively natural diet (of fresh products just obtained from nature), and those who strenuously defend the maintenance of good and balanced foods, because they have greatly helped a healthier life of dogs and animals in general.
But can you switch from dry foods overnight to giving your dog cooked fruits, vegetables, meats and legumes?
Fruit and vegetables, values of a natural diet

Graciela Castillo, veterinary surgeon registration 5169, gives us good ideas when deciding what to eat for our dogs. “In this famous dispute between natural foods and balanced foods, it must be made clear to dog owners that the only thing that matters, in one case or another, is that the diet is balanced. This is the way to take care of our pets’ lives just like we take care of our own lives. And a balanced diet must consider the quality and quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals a dog should consume each day.”
The expert Castillo leans towards a middle ground: «No one can doubt that balanced and quality foods do a lot of good, in the right dose, because they integrate the right quantity of proteins, fibers and all the elements that the body needs. animal needs. But I really like the middle ground between the two diets, which is what actually happens in many families. And this is done by administering two portions a day, the morning one with balanced foods and the afternoon one with natural foods, which complete it”.
And yes: the trainer at the Honduras Veterinary Clinic in Palermo explains to us that this operation, at an average level of knowledge, should be done with the guidance of a trusted veterinarian. And let’s combine these two dishes. “For example: if the morning meal is rich in chicken protein, we must know that in the afternoon there is no need for chicken or other meats. In other words: complement one food with another. And in no case overdo it with the measurements, he tells us.”

What vegetables can’t be given to dogs?
When you take a mixed diet (half balanced and half natural products) or even when you decide to continue with a majority of balanced foods but use fruits and vegetables as treats for our dog, we must know that dogs cannot eat everything that a human eats. And that within that order, There are vegetables that we consider wonderful, which will never be within the reach of a dog.because if you ingest them you will definitely get seriously ill.

Veterinary doctor Graciela Castillo does not hesitate with vegetables forbidden to dogs. “Never onion, neither garlic nor avocado, neither raw nor cooked. Not even leek. Not even asparagus, even if some give it to him. Although they can eat ripe tomatoes, never leave them in front of a tomato plant: the green leaves and stems do serious damage. The same as the unripe tomato: prohibited. Never raw potatoes, sweet potatoes or yams. Yes, you can give him a cooked potato. Never leave a sprouted potato near him. And in the plant world, don’t overdo it with citrus fruits either, due to their sugars. And the Zetas are prohibited, mushrooms are very complex for them. Never rhubarb“, concludes the specialist.
Because we love dogs and protect them, we must understand that many of the prohibited foods, e.g including prohibited vegetablesin large portions it can cause death within hours from poisoning or liver or kidney disease.

The site of animal experts, gives us some basic tips to understand what is wrong with each vegetable that will be very bad for our dogs. Let’s look at the list and write:
1. Why not onion and garlic. Although to a different extent, onion, chives and garlic they have thiosulfate, a chemical substance that contains sulfur and oxygen in its molecular structure. These substances can damage dogs’ red blood cells, even destroying them. Neither raw, nor cooked, nor cooked.
2. Why not avocado. It is considered the most toxic vegetable (along with grapes and raisins) for a dog. The avocado contains even, a fungicidal substance that causes rapid vomiting, stomach pain and certainly pancreatitis which can become fatal. Continued ingestion would also alter the dog’s pulmonary and coronary systems (as in cats).

3. Why not the leek. Another vegetable from the same plant family, Allium, also has leek thiosulfates, which damage the dog’s red blood cells. The amount of this substance can vary from one leek to another. But the most advisable thing is to never give them to him.
4. Why not raw potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. Have solanine when they are raw as well as in the leaves and stems. A toxic substance contained in these vegetables that acts as a defense against external aggressions such as insects. In dogs, eating them raw causes stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, fever and serious damage to the central nervous system. You can eat it cooked but without excess.

5. Why not asparagus. Although it is sometimes given to protect them from ingesting bones with their large fibers, tough stems can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. And bring them to intestinal blockage.
6. Why not seeds. Here we talk about the stones of peaches, peaches, cherries and plums, as well as the seeds of apples, watermelon and melon. If you give a dog a whole plum, he will eat it whole. But those seeds or kernels have high cyanide content. Therefore, when giving them fruits, it is always advisable that they are well washed, sliced and deseeded.

7. Why not unripe tomatoes, their leaves or their stems. Even if the ripe cherry, plum or round tomato, as eaten by humans, does not harm the dog, consuming a tomato plant, with its stems and leaves, can seriously harm him. When immature, and always in the leaves and stems, it contains a substance called glycoalkaloid, which is very harmful to dogs. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and poisoning symptoms. But a red tomato. ripe, well washed, it will be very good for your natural diet.
8. Why not citrus fruits. Citrus fruits, lemon, orange, grapefruit and tangerine, among others, are usually given to dogs. And it is true that they do not present serious toxicity or life risk. But they are not suitable for dogs because they have a very high sugar content which promotes obesity. And essential oils which can be irritating in high doses, causing gastrointestinal problems.

9. Never grapes, raisins or gosellas (berries or red fruits). Due to the different compounds contained in these fruits, they cause pancriatitis and serious kidney disease in dogs which can lead to rapid death.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.