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New Year 2024: where to put the account to attract money and good luck

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THE arrival of a new year It always awakens a mix of emotions, reflections and, for many people, the search for traditions that ensure good luck.

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Between these traditionslike dressing in white, or standing under the table to attract love, one thing that stands out in various cultures is placing a ticket for a specific seat.

This gesture, although apparently simple, contains a deep meaning and varies depending on the beliefs and practices of each region.

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Next, in this note we will tell you what are the reasons that explain the origin of this tradition and the different ways to achieve it.

Where do you put the bill on New Year’s Eve?

The custom of placing a New Year’s Eve card It has roots that date back to different cultures and times.

There are many who believe that bring money with you during the transition from one year to the next will attract financial prosperity for the period to come.

Others see this practice as a symbol of good luck and economic stability.

The connection between material wealth and the change of year it has evolved over time, but persists as a way of manifesting itself hope and optimism in this and other various rituals.

In this particular case, the custom varies considerably from country to country. Let’s look at each case.

Some hang the bill and others put it in a shoe.  Photo: Lukas/Pixabay.Some hang the bill and others put it in a shoe. Photo: Lukas/Pixabay.

Some people choose to do this place the ticket on the threshold of entrance door as a symbol of income of luck and prosperity in the home.

Others, however, prefer to put the ticket inside a shoe to suggest that you will walk towards abundance and success in the coming year.

But nothing shoe: They recommend doing it in Right for the tradition to take effect. Of course it must be left there throughout the New Year celebration.

Of course, the wallet It is the place where, almost always, people have tickets.

In this case the effort will be minimal: you will just have to remember always carry with you your wallet to ensure good financial luck for the next 366 days (2024 is a leap year).

The choice of denomination of banknotes It can also have symbolic implications.

While some choose to do so large denomination banknotes (in Argentina, for now, it costs 2000 dollars) as a wish prosperity cheap, others prefer to express banknotes of lower value gratitude for the little blessings in life.

In Latin Americaespecially in countries like Ecuador and Colombia, the custom of carrying money in your pocket during midnight on December 31st is very widespread.

The truth is that each culture gives its own interpretation to this tradition, highlighting global diversity in the celebration of hope and change.

What is the best amulet to attract money

Money makes more money, the maxim goes. And, therefore, to one dollar bill It is the amulet par excellence of luck and wealth.

Having a dollar bill always with us works like a charm.  Shutterstock photoHaving a dollar bill always with us works like a charm. Shutterstock photo

How to use it? In your wallet, purse or pocket, folded and face out. To ensure prosperity we must have it always with us.

We should never miss one of these bills; especially when we have meetings, job interviews or meetings where something related to business is decided.

Source: Clarin

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