Starting the day with all the batteries is essential to be able to face commitments and responsibilities in the best way. Getting up early is ideal for being full of energy for the rest of the day, although it must also be accompanied by other factors such as diet and sleep cycle, among others.
The morning routine is essential to set the tone and be able to face the day in the best way. It’s very different to start early, with a bath, breakfast, or workout, than to wake up late and run without eating nutritious food.
Everyone is free to put together the morning routine that best suits their lifestyle and schedule, but there are some factors that need to be repeated to harness its full potential.
Between them, sleep the necessary hours the night before, yes a breakfast rich in nutrients which burn slowly over hours and, as an ideal addition, perform any type of physical activity to activate and work the muscles.
The benefits of establishing a morning routine are many, both short and long term. By the simple act of planning a routine, the person includes new healthy habits into their life. Furthermore, for those with little time it is an ideal opportunity to spend quality time with yourself.
In this sense, it is the ideal time to harness energies, since in the morning we reach the highest levels. That is, any practice performed will have a significant impact on the body.
“The quality of your morning depends on you. Unlike other times of the day, when you wake up there are fewer obstacles to sticking to healthy habits. Morning practices solve a bad night, muscle pain or bad mood when you get up. morning habits allow you to start the day on the right foot”, explains the “Mejor con Salud” website.
8 morning practices that will help you improve your productivity
According to the “Better with Health” portal, these are eight morning practices that will increase and improve productivity day after day:
- Wake up early: to have a productive day you need to get up early and then implement those habits that help increase performance.
- Avoid snoozing your alarm: snoozing your alarm will not prolong your rest; Instead, it will make you feel sleepier and have a harder time getting up.
- Try to have a pleasant awakening: instead of using the unpleasant sounds of traditional alarm clocks, try waking up with relaxing nature sounds or gentle melodies.
- Create a routine that leads you to success: think about those practices that will help you be more productive and effective.
- Develop a healthy mind: to achieve success you need to take care of your mind and train it. If you work on it during the morning, rest assured that you will start to think more clearly and notice improvements in your emotional life.
- Do physical exercise: in addition to training your mind, it is also important to aim for a healthy body. To do this, it is recommended to exercise in the morning, as it is a way to channel energy and reduce stress.
- Be grateful: Being grateful for the good things we have in life is a way to awaken pleasant emotions throughout the rest of the day.
- Plan your day: Before you start your work day, plan what, how and when you will do it. Try to organize your activities so that they don’t overwhelm you.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.