This The year 2024 begins on Monday, January 1st. a new stage to leave behind or close the bad moments of the year 2023 and start a new year with good energy.
With each change of year, people usually set new goals, opportunities, realize dreams and improve daily life habits. And the start of a new year is the ideal time to propose big changes.
He Feng Shuione of the oldest traditions in the world, it has become a global practice used to perform rituals that seek to attract positive changes and good energy.
At the heart of this ancient discipline is the premise that balance is essential. His main mantra seeks harmony both in the various sectors of the house and in the person himself.
Feng Shui offers specific advice on what to avoid doing on the first day of the year. By following these guidelines, aspires to attract abundance and prosperitythus establishing a direct connection between daily actions and the flow of positive energies in daily life.
Taking these guidelines and avoiding them during the first day of 2024 is essential to be able to start the new year with good energy and in a positive way.
Things that should not be done to avoid keeping luck away
Avoid cleaning the house
This ancient technique recommends avoid cleaning or sweeping the house the first day of the year, because it is a way to eliminate luck or good fortune from the house. Feng Shui recommends doing a deep clean before the start of the new year, this will help eliminate negative energy that may have accumulated in the home and receive positive energy.
Do not use sharp objects
Avoid using knives or scissors The first day of the year for Feng Shui is essential, as these elements are considered They cut away prosperity, abundance and good luck.
Do not work
According to Feng Shui, on the first day of the year you should not work or discuss intensely. I am actions are associated with negative energies and attract problems for the course of the year. It should be a day of reflection, celebration and celebration with positive intentions.
Don’t lend money or pay debts
Feng Shui recommends avoiding the action of lending money or paying debts on the first day of the year, because symbolizes the loss of money, abundance and prosperity. If you must make this money exchange, it must be done on later dates that help ensure the positive flow of energy.
Don’t break objects
Avoid breaking glass or porcelain objects on the first day of the year is important, this action is associated with the breakdown of domestic harmony and luck.
For Feng Shui the first day of the year is essential since it is a form of guarantee a balanced, harmonious year full of good energy. Taking these precautions into account helps to enhance the positive, luck and abundance for a new beginning.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.