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How to deal with grief when a pet dies

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There are many studies that have analyzed how the death of the dog or cat they have lived with for years affects a family, an elderly person who lives alone or children at home. How to deal with grieving a pet.

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First of all, it is important not to give importance to the people in the family who do not understand this loss as a cause of genuine pain. More and more psychologists and sociologists say that for people the death of your pet It can generate deep sadness.

Grieving the loss of a pet

It has been analyzed because it is one of the most painful experiences a human being can have in life. However, there are many people who judge or do not respect this situation that the family experiences and do not understand that it is a pain comparable to that caused by the death of a family member or friend.

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Grieving the loss of a pet is a normal reaction and is nothing to be ashamed of. Some tips to overcome this moment.

Know that feeling pain is normal. First of all, You need to dispel the thought that feeling sad is wrong or inappropriate. And if someone rejects this situation, one should not give importance to his words.

Grieving the loss of a petGrieving the loss of a pet

Accept the sadness. In no time of mourning is it advisable to repress what you feel. Why should it be any different when the family dog ​​or cat dies? With whom you will surely have shared years of life, the birth of children, various goals as a couple, the moment when you arrive tired from work…

The only way for the pain to heal is to express the emotions, take the time to cry, be sad, remember it by looking at photos or a video.

Share the pain with others. Talking to friends who have had the same experience and who can empathize with what you’re feeling is very good. If no one in the area has suffered the loss of a pet, you can resort, for example, to social networks from an animal shelter where you will surely find people who understand the situation.

Write about the topic. This is something that is increasingly recommended by psychological therapists. Writing in a notebook or putting together a diary to express emotions is something that generates great relief.

If it is not a practice you usually do, you can also write a long letter to the dead animal. Many people use social media for this and from there you can find empathy from others too.

Pets: the best way to grievePets: the best way to grieve

Find a way to say goodbye. The rite of farewell to a loved one is very necessary. For this reason, human beings celebrate a funeral, religious or otherwise, in which family and friends participate. And this is the first case of mourning, so it is advisable to also say some kind of farewell to the animal.

Talk honestly with children at home. The words used are very important. Phrases like “he’s gone” can create false expectations about someone day the animal Return to. In these situations, both children and the elderly who may have lived their last years with the company of a pet must be closely accompanied.

Source: Clarin

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