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The most common reason for hair loss in women and which few people know about

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A few months ago, the American actress Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith’s ex, showed how she was doing on her Instagram account. recover your hair.

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Jada suffers from it alopecia areata since 2018 and was the subject of a famous joke during the 2022 Oscars.

This type of alopecia, caused by the immune system itself mistakenly attacking the hair follicles, is one of the many that they affect men and women.

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In reality, as in men, alopecia also has multiple factors in women and one of these is linked to heredity. Therefore, in both sexes, many people suffer from it baldness sooner than expected.

The most common reason for hair loss in women and which few people know about

Every day, a person loses between 50 and 100 hairs as new hairs grow and replace the old ones, warns the Merck Manual diagnosis and therapy. This is completely normal because, almost simultaneously, the body regains the lost hair. The problem occurs when the loss exceeds natural regeneration and the person begins to suffer from alopecia.

Every day, 50 to 100 hairs are lost.  The problem is if they don't regenerate.  Photo: Shutterstock.Every day, 50 to 100 hairs are lost. The problem is if they don’t regenerate. Photo: Shutterstock.

THE Mayo Clinic, from the United States, describes in detail the main reasons for hair loss. He assures that “the most common cause is a hereditary disorder which manifests itself with aging: androgenetic alopecia, which can be male or female”.

While in men the most obvious symptom is a receding hairline and bald patches on the scalp, in women a miniaturization or thinning hair along the crown of the scalp.

In women, the hormonal changes They can cause temporary or permanent hair loss. The site of Mater Dei Sanatorium mentions pregnancy, thyroid problems and menopause. Indeed, almost 40% of cases Androgenetic alopecia occurs during menopause, when estrogen and progesterone levels decline, the portal indicates Know how to live.

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia areata, a disease caused by the immune system itself.  Photo: AFP.Actress Jada Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia areata, a disease caused by the immune system itself. Photo: AFP.

In addition to alopecia areata, which Jada Pinkett Smith suffers from, there may be other causes side effect of drugs used to treat cancer, arthritis, or depression. Radiation therapy applied to the head can cause hair not to grow back as it used to, second an article from the National Cancer Institutean official website of the United States government.

Furthermore, in women, and as observed by art Mayo Clinic“excessive modeling or hairstyles that pull the hair a lot (ponytails or African braids) can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Perms and hot oil treatments are also not recommended if you are looking for healthy hair.

Source: Clarin

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