The digestive system is a tube that transports food from the moment we eat it until it is expelled as waste. During this journey, the different organs that make up the tubes, esophagus, stomach and intestines perform different functions. Because food isn’t just about eliminating hunger.
The digestion process includes immune system support, says Eunice Ramírezgraduate in nutrition from Lamar University of Guadalajara and contributor to The Vitamin Guide. In addition to transforming foods, it transports nutritional value to cells, drains toxic substances absorbed through breathing and skin, and eliminates waste produced by metabolic functions.
in the colon (large intestine) inhabit beneficial bacteria that aid digestion and the immune system. They attack invading germs and produce essential biochemicals, such as vitamin B and lactoferrin.
Detoxification of the intestinal tract helps eliminate fecal matter and accumulated heavy metals, strengthens the colon muscle, helps retract hemorrhoids and heals damage such as diverticula, polyps and other neoplasms, as well as replenishing the culture of positive bacteria.
How to cleanse your colon with carrot juice

“Health begins with the colon,” summarizes Eunice Ramírez, a graduate in Nutrition. And the saying “we are what we eat” is well known. If the colon becomes obstructed, all its functions are altered; This is why it is recommended to keep it detoxified.
The best way to do this, of course, It is through a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and hydration based on smoothies or nutritious juices.
raw carrot occupies a priority place in the list of fiber-rich vegetables, which also includes lettuce, spinach, chard, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, kiwi, pineapple, pear, lentils, beans, chickpeas, oats and whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Furthermore, we should consume little red meat, little sugar and, if possible, eliminate processed (industrialized) foods. The site Better with health The value of the carrot stands out in this group due to its high intake of fiber and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene.
As a great benefit, raw carrot also promotes the elimination of toxins, stimulating bowel movement as a gentle and natural laxative. And they say drinking carrot juice regularly could protect against possible colon cancer.
Carrot juice recipe
- Ingredients:
- 3 carrots
- 1 glass of water
- Ice (optional)

- Preparation:
- Wash the carrots well
- Peel them and cut them into pieces
- Blend with water until you obtain a thick but homogeneous juice, without lumps.
- Do not add sugar
- It is important to consume it at the moment so that it does not lose its nutrients.
- This juice is never saved for later.
- And so you don’t get bored of the flavor, you can combine this recipe once with fresh spinach, once with pear, once with kiwi and once with pineapple.
- You will have different juices at your disposal, all with the same purpose: to cleanse the colon to ensure better nutrition for your entire body.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.