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How long to wear a body shaping girdle?

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The modern corset It was born during the Renaissance, when wealthy women used this clothing accessory to have a “wasp waist” or a figure that resembled an hourglass.

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During the reign of Louis XIV, in France, The garment became an element that promoted sensuality by enhancing the breasts.

Wearing a corset was quite complicated and the ladies needed maids because, in addition to the corsage The laces had to be tied with whalebones which helped to tighten the corset in front or behind.

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Torso compression reduced lung capacity and also affected internal organs.

What are the risks of using a corset to shape your body./ Photo: Istock.What are the risks of using a corset to shape your body./ Photo: Istock.

Fashionable in the 80s Madonna, the corset rises from the ashes. Now it takes the form of shaping girdles, made with fabrics that adapt to the body. However, limits must be placed on its use to prevent it from being harmful.

How long to wear a body shaping girdle?

From the Mayo Clinic of United States of America They warn that the doors They should be used sparingly. “Even though most people can’t even imagine what it’s like to wear something as restrictive as a corset, the concept is still valid, albeit with modern materials and new styles,” the medical institute describes.

The Mayo Clinic adds that “the main problem with sheaths is the simple discomfort they cause, which can manifest itself differently when someone puts pressure on a sheath that’s too small, wears it for a long time, or uses it too frequently.”

The famous corset created for Madonna by Jean Paul Gaultier.  A fashion that returns from the past./ EFE. The famous corset created for Madonna by Jean Paul Gaultier. A fashion that returns from the past./ EFE.

Between disorders What wearing a belt for a long time can cause includes:

  • Acid reflux.
  • Flatulence and bloating.
  • Pain or numbness in the thigh.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Rashes and even infections, because synthetic fabrics trap moisture and produce too much sweat.

However, the Mayo Clinic states that “when athletic shoes stylize the figure they are the correct size and are used for a limited period, the risk is low.”

Therefore, it is recommended to try several alternatives to check where the woman will feel more comfortable and will be able to move more freely and without any risk to her body.

The corset trend.  Kim Kardashian wore it.  Fashion.  Return.  Risks.The corset trend. Kim Kardashian wore it. Fashion. Return. Risks.

So, when buying a sheath, the first piece of advice is to take the size into account and know that, sometimes, they don’t give the desired result because they are tight or uncomfortable. Moreover, this shapewear It should be neither too tight nor too loose.

However, the most important aspect is the wearing time, as the sheath should never be worn all day, nor should you sleep with it. In general, it should be used for four to six hours a day, eight at most if it does not cause discomfort.

In addition to allowing the body to rest from the compression that wearing a sleeve entails, it is necessary Combine it with a balanced diet and moderate exercise for best results.

Source: Clarin

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