In Japan, a man’s story was told that he rescued an elderly woman who was unaware of the situation when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred on New Year’s Day on the Noto Peninsula. After the man evacuated his grandmother in the car, the tsunami struck the area where her grandmother was.
On the 8th, Japan’s ANN News TV reported a vehicle black box video captured immediately after the earthquake occurred on the Noto Peninsula on the 1st. The video shows an elderly woman slowly walking along a residential area near the coast with a cane.
According to the video, the car passed the woman, but the male driver, who felt the earthquake, soon turned the steering wheel and returned to the woman.
The driver said, “There was an earthquake. “Isn’t it going upward?” he asked. The woman’s confusion was evident, as if she had no idea what had happened. The driver said, “What are you doing? “Get in the car,” she said and put the old man in the car.
The woman in the car asked, “What the hell is going on?” and the driver responded, “Everyone has already gone upstairs (evacuated).”
Approximately 9 seconds after the driver picked up the woman, the vehicle’s rear camera captured the image of a tsunami rushing at a tremendous speed.
When the tsunami hit, Unjeja quickly moved the car toward the mountain road. It is said that the two later arrived safely at high ground.
However, the village where the tsunami hit was devastated. When the driver went down the next day and took pictures of the village, all that remained was buildings without windows and various trash piled up on the ground.
The Japanese government announced on the 8th that the number of deaths due to the strong earthquake on the Noto Peninsula increased to 168. This is an increase of 40 people from the number of deaths counted by Ishikawa Prefecture the previous day, the number of injured increased to 565, and the number of residents without contact whose safety has not been confirmed increased to 323.
It has been difficult to identify dead and missing people due to damaged roads and infrastructure, but it is interpreted that as search and rescue operations progressed, additional damage that was not discovered was confirmed.
Choi Jae-ho,
Source: Donga
Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.