The newspaper “Il Messaggero” of Romewhich usually makes the most delicate revelations in the current climate of crisis within the Church, published this Tuesday a series of excerpts from a book edited in his youth by the Argentine cardinal Víctor Emanuel Fernández, very close to Pope Francis, in which he speaks about sexuality and orgasm for men and women.
The text, which is no longer found in bookstores, was found from conservation sites who began to replicate it in the last few hours, amid the controversy sparked by the announcement of the authorization for priests to impart the apostolic blessing to homosexual couples.
“There is no memory of a Prefect of the Faith so free of taboos regarding sexto the point of explaining the quality of orgasm between men and women from a theological perspective and arriving at the conclusion that “women are insatiable”“, reads the note published on Tuesday.
“In the vast bibliography of the Argentine theologian Víctor Emanuel Fernández, after his youthful book on the art of kissing which aroused so much curiosity, it is now known a theological volume evidently written in his youththen hidden, in which he describes in detail, down to the smallest detail, the dynamics of achieving male and female pleasure”, he continues.
Cardinal Fernández is responsible for the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the most important dicasteries (ministries) of the Roman Curia. The Argentine theologian, who was rector of the Catholic University and archbishop of La Plata, interprets an leading role alongside the Pope in the news in the Church.
Franca Giansoldati, correspondent of the oldest and most widespread newspaper in Rome, which the Pope has confessed to reading every morning as part of his obligation as bishop of Rome, underlines that the volume is «the latest discovery from the pool of international conservative sites, including the Italian blog”, which found the book.
The issue of pastoral (and not sacramental) blessings for homosexual couples continues to expand, “creating divisions and fractures in the Church”.
The book published many years ago in Buenos Aires has long since disappeared from bookstores and can only be found on computer networks.
The work is not focused on physical love but on the love between God and the human being: «Let us ask ourselves if the particularities of man and woman in orgasm also occur in some way in the mystical relationship with God. We could say that women, being more receptive, are also more willing to let themselves be taken by God. “He is more open to religious experience.”
The book delves into the description of these delicate physical relationships. “Let’s first see how men and women experience orgasm and what the difference is” between the two.
“She likes caresses more and needs the man to play a bit before penetrating her. But he is more interested in the vagina than the clitoris,” she explains.
From what we read, Cardinal Fernandez’s youth book he never abandons a serious approach of sexual relations between men and women.
But the same thing happens as what happened with his book The Art of the Kiss, which also disappeared from bookstores many years ago and there are no new editions. The audacity of a young priest in tackling a very delicate topic on human sex while maintaining impeccable focus is evident.
But now he has become entangled in what some call “the civil war” that has reportedly erupted in the Church over Catholic priests’ permission to pastorally bless gay couples. For ultra-conservatives, these two books by Prefect Fernandez, who heads the important department of the Doctrine of the Faith, represent a discovery that causes scandal.
On the other hand, the book is better received when its author states that «in mystical experience God touches the most intimate center of love and pleasure, a center in which it does not matter much whether we are men or women. And in this center we are all receptive and live an experience in which we are not the masters.”
Fernandez concludes in his book that “for this reason, scientists often say that the differences between men and women are experienced in the phase preceding orgasm, but not so much in the orgasm itself, where the differences between women and men are not those male”. clearer and seem to disappear.”
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.