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The wonderful country located at the center of the Earth

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One of humanity’s greatest mysteries is the exact location of the center of the Earth.

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He core of the planet It is located more than 5,000 kilometers from the surface and to date the most in-depth investigations have only managed to drill to a depth of about 12 km.

The deepest hole ever drilled on the surface is the Kola Superdeep Well in Russia and is 12.3 kilometers long.

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In which country is the center of the Earth located

THE entrance to the center of the Earth is located in Iceland, on a volcano called Sneffel located within a national park.

This volcano has been inactive since the first half of the 13th century, and it was there Jules Vernethe author of “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, It was the gateway to a fantastic underworld, as he believed the chances of it erupting again were virtually zero.

In which country is the center of the earth located.  Photo: iStockIn which country is the center of the earth located. Photo: iStock

The historian of science Pasqual Bernat expresses himself: “We don’t know if he had an explicit motivation, but perhaps it has to do with Scandinavian mythology; he had extensive geographical knowledge and probably thought it appropriate to place the action in a remote place, a dormant volcano . since the 13th century.”

What is the center of the Earth like?

He Earth’s corealso called endosphere, siderosphere or barysphere, it is the deepest spherical layer of the planet’s structure.

It is known that the inner core It is a sphere of iron and nickel with a radius of 1,221 kilometers. Its temperature of 5,400°C is almost equal to that of the Sun (5,700°C).

Jessica Irving, a seismologist at the University of Bristol in England, explained this to the site LiveScience: “The more we look at it, the more we realize it’s not a boring lump of iron.”

“We are finding a completely new hidden world. However, unless something terrible happens to our planet, we will never be able to observe it directly Earth’s core“He added.

On the other hand, the pressure increases Center of the Earth It is millions of times that of the surface. This makes it impossible for anyone to travel there.

The center of the earth is more than 5000 km from the surface.  Photo: iStockThe center of the earth is more than 5000 km from the surface. Photo: iStock

According to research, the Center of the Earth It is separated from the rest of the planet by an outer layer of liquid metal, or outer core. This means that the inner core can rotate independently and not necessarily in sync with the rest of the planet.

THE changes within the Earth’s core They impact the surface we live on.

Both the Earth and its core are constantly rotating. These movements create a magnetic force that surrounds the planet and can cause alterations in navigation and even day length, as the magnetic field influences how quickly or slowly the planet rotates around its axis.

Source: Clarin

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