“I do a breakfast strong and then I don’t eat until the afternoon. “No, I prefer to sacrifice myself during the day and prepare for dinner powerful.” «Or it was better have lunch Well, is the night a little bright…?”
The healthy trend of recent decades to have a healthy diet means that, many times, we become our nutritionists. With the risks and unpredictable outcomes that this can entail, of course.
For example, a phrase we often hear is: “Eating at night makes you fat.” Does the body really differentiate a bite of food in the morning or before going to sleep? Could it be that in the end the result is the same?
The problem arises when we discover that our improvised food plan was not only nutritionally inadequate but, moreover, it made us gain a few pounds.
Therefore, the ideal is to know the opinion of experts on the matter benefits of each food and if there is one that makes you gain more weight.
Breakfast, lunch or dinner: which makes you more fat?

First of all we must know that, throughout the day, we spend energy in different ways: while going to the bus, when going down the stairs to take out the garbage or when running through the square, for example.
You don’t necessarily have to be aware of it. It can also burn calories involuntary processes such as breathing or simple blood circulation. And even when we sleep.
As for the fattest meal of the day, science still doesn’t have a definitive answer. The magazine article Men’s health refer to eight scientific studies on the topic: four prefer to consume most of their calories early in the day, three say they eat later and one study shows no difference.
In the same post, however, nutrition expert Alan Aragon it’s severe: The time doesn’t matter. “Even if you eat most of your calories early in the day or don’t bloat until later, a calorie is a calorie.”
The specialist adds that the total energy expenditure in a day is 2,000 calories. “Only by eating that amount is our weight maintained, regardless of when we eat them.”

And he gives an example: “Imagine you eat just a cheeseburger and some fries at midnight and a friend does the same, but at 8 in the morning. In the early hours of the day, before eating, the body is in a phase of fast and do not consume caloriesit just burns them, and when we eat something later that’s when it starts storing fat.
According to the expert’s opinion, this same process is repeated in reverse if we eat at the end of the day without any of the people being more or less likely to gain weight, the body simply stores and burn fat at different times of the day.
For its part, the site Quora explains that if the intention is to lose weight, what you should pay attention to is the net calorie balance. What matters is the daily, weekly and even monthly net balance.
Another fact to keep in mind is that people can maintain their weight – or even lose it – eat when they want or need toas long as they don’t do it excessively or consume more calories than they consume during the day.
The portal Md Health summarizes the fact of losing or gaining weight in the result of a simple mathematical operation: “If the person gains weight it is because he ingests more calories than he consumes; If you keep your weight stable it is because you eat an amount similar to your daily expenses and if you lose weight it is because you burn more than you consume. “There is no other explanation.”
The nutritionist Aragona adds other elements in addition to diet and sedentary lifestyle, “theirs genetics and also the environment,” he explains. That is, in short, the time at which people eat does not appear to influence whether they weigh more or less.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.