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Numerology 2024: What is the number that represents God?

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“Know thyself and you will know the universe and God” is the phrase used by many to describe the teachings of Pythagoras, the famous mathematician who, in 608 BC, took the first steps to create the world “science of numbers”. But Pythagoras was not the only one to take that path.

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There is evidence that the Babylonians, the Egyptians or even in ancient China, there were number scholars who believed that, through them, one could reach divinity.

On the other hand, there is the “biblical numerology” who searches for meanings in the numbers of the sacred text. For the latter there is not much doubt as to which it is the number that represents God.

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But for this discipline, in which numbers have a spiritual and energetic meaningthere would also be other possibilities.

Numerology 2024: what number represents God?

From the site Catholicone article states that “number 1 “It is he who represents God, who is unique.” For this reason, he explains, this number indicates «exclusivity, primacy and excellence in various passages of the Gospel (“I and the Father are one” (Jn 10,30) or “There is only one Lord, only one faith, only one baptism , one God”. .” (Eph 4.5). In all these cases, the one symbolizes the divine kingdom.”

The Bible refers to several numbers with a lot of symbolism.  Photo: Shutterstock.The Bible refers to several numbers with a lot of symbolism. Photo: Shutterstock.

However, he adds that “the number 7 “It has the best-known symbolism of all because it represents perfection.” The number 7, again according to the article, appears when Jesus teaches that if an unclean spirit leaves a man he can return with 7 other worse spirits and recalls that the Gospels teach that God expelled 7 demons from Magdalene. The Christian tradition has kept much of that meaning fixated on 7 sacramentsthe gifts of the Holy Spirit and the virtues.

But there is more, because the number 7 is repeated, and with different meanings, in the Christian tradition. Some examples: there were 7 churches mentioned in the Apocalypse; 7 days of Creation; 7, the baskets of the miracle of the multiplication of fish and loaves and 7, the words of the Good Friday sermon.

In any case, the theories and speculations about the number that could represent God are as varied as the interpretations of the Bible. Some specialists say so the key number is 3as it is associated with the Holy Trinity.

God could be represented by various numbers.  Photo: Shutterstock.God could be represented by various numbers. Photo: Shutterstock.

An article from the site Aleteia indicates that 3 expresses “totality or always”, because the “three sons of Noah represent the totality of his descendants; The three temptations that Jesus suffered from the Devil represent all the temptations that he had to endure during his earthly existence “and why” the Old Testament call God thrice holy to mean that he possesses the fullness of holiness.”

In this way God could be represented by the number 1, but also by perfection or completeness expressed in numbers 3 and 7.

Source: Clarin

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