In the daily whirlwind, Many question the purpose that drives their actions and decisions. Simon Sinek, a renowned author and motivational speaker, has distinguished himself for proposing an approach to life based on discover the “why” of our purposes.
This author gave a TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” he inspired many people being able to think and see life more deeply about its purpose and how to achieve it focus on everyday life.
The most important thing in life according to Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek introduces the central concept of “The Golden Circle“, a structure composed of three fundamental levels: “Why?”, “How?” and “What?”. According to the well-known speaker, both individuals and organizations are able to describe what they do and how they do it, but Only a few truly understand why they do it..

Coach Sinek underlines the importance of the “why” in the motivational fieldarguing that this aspect is crucial, since it is what drives and guides people’s actions and decisions.
Simone Sinek raises a fundamental question in life: “Why you do what you do?” OR “What is your purpose or driving cause??”. The ability to identify why is essential to discovering the meaning behind our actions.
According to Sinek, knowing why is one of the fundamental foundations for carrying out our daily activities with purpose and on solid foundations. The answer to this question serves as the basis for supporting the goals we have set for ourselves.
This question is the root of passion and motivation in all our companies. Sinek emphasizes that everyone has a “Why?”, even if not everyone is aware of it, underlining the importance of trying to recognize and understand this driving force.
Advice to apply in daily life according to Simon Sinek
- To undertake a project or define goals, objectives or missions, it is essential to start with “Why?” since this makes all future decisions and actions have a solid basis.
- Communicate the “Why?” is to give a clear message of the purposes, allows generate strong connections for the future and have motivation.
- The actions carried out must be related to and compliant with the “Why”, align actions with goals It is essential because it ensures that decisions coincide with values.
- Having a “Why?” obviously it helps inspire othersBy being able to communicate this, you encourage other people to follow goals or seek their own goal.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.