In the first days of January a new anime adaptation was added to the catalog Netflix: Delicious in Dungeon. The series is inspired by Manga Ryōko Kuiwhose publication began in February 2014 and ended in September 2023.
The adaptation is carried out by Studio Trigger, directed by Yoshihiro Miyajima and written by Kimiko Ueno. It was also confirmed that the person responsible for the character designs will be Naoki Takeda, and the music will be written by Yasunori Mitsuda and Shunsuke Tsuchiya.
Inside next episodethe group will continue their journey to the lower floors to rescue Falin.
Delicious in Dungeon, chapter 3: when does it come out?
The creators of the series have already confirmed the release date of its chapter 3: it will be Thursday 18 January.
????Delicious in Dungeon Ep. 3 Preview ????
Here’s a #deliciousindungeon teaser for the next episode!
???? Mark your calendars for January 18th!
— Delicious in Dungeon – Official (@dun_meshi_en) January 15, 2024
The anime premiere will be broadcast for two consecutive years and 24 chapters in its first delivery.
Delicious in Dungeon: where to watch the first episode of the anime
He third chapter of Delicious in Dungeon will be released this Thursday January 18th via Tokyo MX.
Outside of Asia, Netflix has obtained the worldwide license for the series and the premiere of chapter 3 will take place on the same day. Chapters will be released weekly on both platforms.
Preview of the third episode of the anime “Delicious in Dungeon”, which will debut on January 18 on Netflix.#DeliciousinDungeon
— Genzay (@GenzayED) January 16, 2024
Delicious in Dungeon, chapter 3: what time does it debut
As usual, series previews vary by location. However, the premiere is over Tokyo MX will coincide with the Japanese time zone and it will be at 10.30pm. Following the Premiere times on Netflix, country by country:
- Argentina: at 09:30
- Uruguay: at 09:30
- Brazil: at 09:30
- Chile: at 09:30
- Paraguay: at 08:30
- Bolivia: at 08:30
- Colombia: at 07:30
- Ecuador: at 07:30
- Panama: at 07:30
- Peru: at 07:30
- Mexico: at 06:30
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.