Difficulty falling asleep? Waking up after 3 hours and not being able to go back to sleep? Sleeping with long breaks in between? It definitely has to do with the lifestyle of this period and how it affects us emotionally. generalized stress.
The most significant causes of insomnia These are usually symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress, although an unbalanced diet, excess caffeine, tobacco or alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, taking certain medications and other alterations must also be considered.
This sleep disorder has been almost pandemic since the end of the last century, and it especially affects women. It can manifest itself in short periods (acute insomnia) or long periods, more than a month (chronic insomnia), as defined by the portal. Medline Plus.
In any case, insomnia is harmful to your health. Cause daytime drowsiness which can cause accidents, lack of concentration, distress, reduce cognitive abilities and increase anxiety or depression.
Beyond many other natural resources, some flowers, those of jumpthey occupy a prominent place among home remedies to combat it.
What are hops?

Beer enthusiasts know this plant, but few know that its conical, artichoke-like flowers have great medicinal power. According to the site Body Mindhops are a botanical relative of cannabis and since the 12th century it has been used to combat melancholy. Two of its active ingredients are lupulone and humulone, as well as containing phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins.
These flowers are sold herbalist shopsalready dried, to prepare infusions, in the form of liquid extract, capsules and in tea bags.
Due to its properties it is used both as a digestive and to whet the appetite, i.ehormonal regulator during menopause, it fights gastric and liver disorders. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, three properties that help improve the skin.
Hops to fight insomnia
THE relaxing actionsedative and hypnotic properties of hops make it recommended for improving the quality of sleep, fighting recurring nightmares and treating acute (punctual) or chronic insomnia, according to the conclusions of the study “Beer and health: benefits for sleep”carried out by the Department of Physiology of Faculty of Sciences of BadajozSpain.
AS sedativehelps reduce motor hyperactivity and nervous excitement, mild anxiety attacks, tachycardia, neuralgia and migraines.

By reducing activity and less anxietythe portal Body Mind It assures that it is considered anaphrodisiac and that since ancient times it has been prescribed to combat premature ejaculation and the exacerbated desire for sexual intercourse.
THE infusions Hops for insomnia are usually combined with other calming plants, such as valerian or lemon balm. Body Mind recommends to mix of hops with poppy flowers, passion flower and orange blossom in equal parts.
Calculate one tablespoon of this mixture per glass of water and boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes. Drink half a glass after dinner and half a glass before going to bed.
Some worry about hops
The place Medline plus warns that hops can cause dizziness and drowsiness, that its consumption must be controlled during pregnancy and breastfeeding and that it could interact with some drugs and pre-existing diseases. In all cases it is better Consult your family doctor before starting the consumption of naturopathic remedies.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.