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What foods help burn abdominal fat?

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THE Abdominal fat It may seem like just an aesthetic problem, but it isn’t. A protruding belly, a waist of more than 90 centimeters, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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This is why we recommend, for men and women, do exercise physical and consume foods that help reduce this fat and maintain a healthy weight.

In cases where people have a decided excess weight, and not just a little belly, it is necessary for them to undergo a check-up with a clinical doctor and, if possible, with a nutritionist.

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Abdominal fat: five foods to fight it

Many men and women have had excess abdominal fat at some point in their life. The more years pass, the easier it is to acquire it and the more difficult it is to fight. But it’s important to understand that it’s not just an aesthetic issue, it’s also a question health risk.

The body has aenergy reserve“, that is, it uses small excess fats to prepare and protect itself from climate changes, use that energy for the proper functioning of organs, etc.

But if these energies are not burned, they tend to become so fatty acids which accumulate in the liver and muscle tissues. Fat stored in the stomach area causes serious health risks: it can block arteries, raise triglycerides and increase the risk of heart problems.

Abdominal fat: five foods to fight it Illustrative photoAbdominal fat: five foods to fight it Illustrative photo

The abdominal perimeter is linked to the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Therefore in men it is recommended that it does not exceed 102 centimeters and in women 88.

The Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), for example, warns that the area of ​​the body where fat accumulates is a more important cardiovascular risk factor than excess weight and recommends measuring the abdominal perimeter instead of simply calculating it. body mass index (BMI).

For fight excess fat in the waist It is important to change your eating habits by including healthy products in your daily diet. Furthermore, it would be advisable to avoid ultra-processed foods, fried foods and foods with a high fat content.

Citrus fruits, oranges, lemons, grapefruits are sources of vitamin C. It is believed that this vitamin would help the body process fat more quickly, aiding in weight loss.

Foods that help eliminate body fat: citrus fruits and sources of vitamin C.Foods that help eliminate body fat: citrus fruits and sources of vitamin C.

Dried fruit, which can be included in breakfast, salad or as a mid-morning or afternoon snack, is very important Omega 3, which helps with several things: regulates stress hormones, like cortisol, and prevents fat storage. But you only need to consume some of them 4 nuts a day.

For several years they have been saying that green coffee It could be an ally in eliminating abdominal fat. Its still green grains contain chlorogenic acid, a component that helps reduce the absorption of sugars by the body. gastrointestinal tract, thus burning accumulated fat. On the other hand, this acid would stimulate the metabolic activity of the liver, which would burn more fat.

Oats are a natural source of fiber and protein. It helps reduce cholesterol and, thanks to its fiber content, makes you feel fuller for longer, which is why it is advisable to include it in breakfast.

Foods that help eliminate body fat: oats.Foods that help eliminate body fat: oats.

It is always convenient to eat raw vegetables: carrots, lettuce, arugula, tomatoes and others. Therefore, the nutrients and fiber content are better used. Fiber swells in the stomach when it mixes with acids and this generates more Feeling full.

Red fruits are very rich and also have a high amount of fiber and water very few calories. Furthermore, thanks to their flavonoids, they help regulate sodium levels. They contain anthocyanins, capable of inhibiting the assimilation of fats and sugars.

Like fish salmon and troutThey are essential sources of Omega 3 and proteins, activate the metabolism and help prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Finally, it is very important to include good olive oil in your diet. Mostly raw.

Source: Clarin

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