Times have changed. And that tradition of parents and grandparents of staying at work for life no longer exists. The so-called centenarians They average 6-8 months for each job. Now, What is the right way and time to leave a job?
There are several signs that can mark the moment to generate a change of scenery in the world of work.
Lack of passion
Sometimes you may take a job out of necessity, other times you may be motivated by vocation. Time, lack of opportunities and routine can make what you were once passionate about become uphill. It could be a sign that you need to do this change jobs.
LinkedInthe social network specializing in jobs, quotes the former CEO of Paramount Pictures, Sherry Lansing, to exemplify this situation:
“You know you’ve done it before and you know for sure how to keep doing it every day, and that reassures you… but when you start repeating yourself, the successes aren’t as comforting or the failures as educational and you start to lose passion for what you do.”
Work increases but not wages
After a while, when your efforts and responsibility are not rewarded in any way, it can be a good sign to start thinking about a change.
Bad working relationships
Competition with peers can generate a bad working environment. But also the broken promises of a boss, a change of role or the promotion that doesn’t arrive.
“Many of us have bad days, sometimes we don’t like our jobs and we feel frustrations with our managers and colleagues, but does this mean I should really quit?” asks the workplace expert and Harvard Business Review contributor . , Amy Gallo .
This is why it is essential to analyze how long this situation has been repeating itself and whether we see that we will not be able to change it and will be happy elsewhere.
Constantly procrastinate
Procrastination is leaving for tomorrow what you can do today. When this happens more and more often, a lack of work motivation is evident.
“When you procrastinate, you tend to be reactive and wait until the last minute to finish your task; So the quality of the work becomes a checklist,” explains Foram Sheth, co-founder of the coaching company Ama La Vida. It goes from doing “this because I’m proud and I care about the results” to “I need to do it enough so I don’t run out in trouble,” concludes Sheth.
Go out the right way
When you have analyzed these factors and understand that the time has come to take a step back, you must try to “do well” at work.
.How we leave work can shape our career. Let’s not forget it our former employer could be the next one’s first reference. Therefore, you need to resign the right way
Talk to your manager and send your resignation letter in writing
Once you have finally decided to leave your job, it is essential to talk to your manager and explain the reasons for your resignation. If you have a long list of complaints, now is not the time to throw them in your boss’ face because you’ve already taken the most important step.
After notifying him, yes, it is necessary to send the resignation telegram by email to follow the steps correctly. In this case it is possible to seek advice from a lawyer.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.