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Rosemary and cinnamon tea: what it is for, benefits and how to consume it

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Since ancient times, herbal teas and infusions prepared with herbs and spices have been used to prevent and combat various types of diseases or disorders. What is the combination of rosemary and cinnamon for and how to integrate it into your diet.

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These elements of plant origin have many medicinal properties. It is always recommended prepare them without sugar or any type of sweetenerbecause they can generate a loss of the benefits of these products.

It is also important to keep in mind that natural infusions must be consumed in adequate quantities, Taking them in excess could be harmful to some body functions.

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How and when to drink rosemary and cinnamon herbal tea How and when to drink rosemary and cinnamon herbal tea

Therefore, exceeding the daily limit of this infusion can cause severe headaches, dizziness, irritability, confusion, lack of mental agility, among other medical conditions.

In the meantime, it is always necessary for each person to keep in mind what their allergy restrictions are, so as not to experience any inconvenience after ingesting a certain herb or spice. If you have any questions, it is best to visit a doctor to avoid complications when consume rosemary and cinnamon tea.

Benefits of Rosemary and Cinnamon Tea

This infusion is antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, improves cognitive abilities and helps heart health. Additionally, it reduces inflammation in the digestive system and facilitates weight loss.

It presents antioxidant compounds thanks to the properties provided by rosemary. It is useful in times of diarrhea due to any illness occurring at that time. It is carminative – that is, it promotes the expulsion of gases developed in the digestive tract -, promotes appetite and is hypoglycemic.

Benefits of rosemary and cinnamon tea and how to prepare it Benefits of rosemary and cinnamon tea and how to prepare it

To prepare a rosemary and cinnamon herbal tea you can follow these simple instructions, always remembering not to add sugar or sweeteners:

What ingredients does rosemary and cinnamon tea contain?

  • 1 tablespoon rosemary leaves.
  • 1 cinnamon stick.
  • 300 miniliters of water.

How is rosemary and cinnamon tea prepared?

First you need to boil water in a pot that is not used for other infusions or that can be washed several times. Then add the cinnamon and let the water boil. After 10 minutes you can add the rosemary and let it boil for another 5 minutes. Once all this cooking time has passed you can eat it.

Rosemary is a perennial plant that belongs to the labiate family. This shrub can reach one and a half meters in height. It has many thin leaves and flowers that can be bluish, whitish or pinkish. Cinnamon, on the other hand, is a spice that is extracted from the bark of a tropical tree native to Sri Lanka. It is widely used in pastries prepared in the West.

Source: Clarin

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