Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in the world, states the World Health Organization (WHO) in its publications. 4% of the world’s population suffers from this disease and women suffer from it more than men. Only one in four affected people receives the corresponding medical treatment.
He symptom The most common form of anxiety is feeling overwhelmed by fear and intense worries, which simultaneously produce physical tension and behavioral and cognitive disorders that affect family, social and work life.
The disease of anxiety requires treatment so that it does not deepen or extend over time.
For its part, the Global Medical Knowledge manual warns in its web publication that anxiolytics and sedatives used to relieve anxiety or fall asleep can lead to addiction and a substance use disorder.
Therefore, if anxiety grows and persists, treatment with medications indicated by the professional is essential. But many times, and we’ve all experienced this at one time or another, anxiety is temporary, in some cases objective cause and circumstantial. In these cases it is advisable to abstain from drugs, seek psychological advice and look for natural alternatives to reduce nervous tension.
What herbs help us calm anxiety?
The recommended infusions, he specifies the mayonnaise clinic of the United States on their website, have not been the subject of sufficient scientific research, but something is already known about the weeds: dietary supplements They are not controlled by the FDA and their consumption must be monitored by a doctor.
Natural does not mean safe, adds the Mayo Clinic. Supplements can interact with other medications, producing unwanted effects or accidents due to them sedative action. Of note, for example, is the herb called kava, widespread in other times, because it causes liver damage.
But, although it would be desirable to increase research, some herbs They are safe and it is better to drink them in the form of an infusion than in capsules. Between them:
Passion flower
The passionflower flower could help mitigate anxiety. It combines well with other herbs in many commercial products.
It is considered safe when used as directed. But in some studies it has been established that it can cause drowsiness, dizziness and confusion.
Valerian is considered safe in recommended doses. In some studies, people who used valerian reported less anxiety and fatigue. In others, people reported no benefit at all.
It is recommended to take it for a few weeks and to stop for a while until starting again (unless approved by your doctor. It may cause Heachache, dizziness and drowsiness.
It is generally considered safe and may be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety. But you have to know what it is anticoagulant and can interact with drugs that perform the same function. It can also cause allergies.
Lavender can calm anxiety; but also to provoke constipation and headaches, lower blood pressure and increase the sedative effect of other drugs.
Reduces the nervousness and excitability. It is generally well tolerated and considered safe in short-term use, but may cause nausea and abdominal pain.
In short, any substance, even if natural, can alter psychophysical functioning. An infusion or herbal tea It is gentler and safer than dietary supplements, but in all cases professional follow-up is recommended.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.