Kidney or liver cleansing can be helpful when several symptoms or disorders are present.
However, the note on the Bioguía website indicates that it is necessary to take some precautions to avoid complications.
One of the first points raised in the note is In which cases are these practices necessary?. As for liver procedures, they promote slow digestion, high levels of cholesterolif the tongue appears yellowish or whitish or the life energy he feels down.
While the kidney cleansing may be necessary to counteract the water retention or as a complement in the treatment of infections.
The next step is to choose safe and natural treatments that include the use of Medicinal herbs.
What herbs cleanse the kidneys
Infusions with this plant help prevent the appearance of stones. The warning is to avoid them if you follow treatments with anticoagulant drugs.
It has antioxidant and antidiuretic properties. Furthermore, it helps prevent urinary infections.
Their effects diuretics and antioxidantsits great advantages.
For these infusions to be effective, they must be included in a balanced diet, with few processed foods, soft drinks, fried foods and sweets. Options high in calcium and phosphorus should also be avoided.
On the other hand, it is important to drink more water and drinks made from natural ingredients.
Herbs that promote liver detoxification
It increases bile secretion and promotes good digestion.
sea thistle
Contributes to liver care and regeneration of dysfunctional hepatocytes.
You can also choose therapies with sulfur OR Epsom salts.
The treatment, according to the information contained in the Bioguía, must be completed with the following attention.
- A diet rich in vegetables. Especially green leaves, legumes, cereals and fish.
- Less consumption of meat, dairy products, sugars, sausages and processed foods.
The intake of water and liquids in the form of broths or infusions is also very important.
The caveat is that some herbs are not indicated when certain underlying health conditions exist. Therefore, it is always important to consult a doctor with a naturopathic orientation before starting to ingest them.
Another point to underline is that these indications do not replace medical care.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.