Colorful and aromatic; The pepper, capsicum or chili pepper is a vegetable native to America, whose nutritional properties are approved by the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition.
For these virtues it is recommended in the daily diet.
What are its advantages
Among its advantages, in a note on the Puleva website, nutrition graduate María del Carmen Moreu Burgos highlights the following:
- They are rich in vitamins (especially C) and antioxidants. They contain a substance called capsaicin, which has an antibiotic, analgesic and stimulating action on the gastric mucosa and gallbladder.
- They have a large amount of dietary fiber. Which provides an important feeling of satiety, prevents constipation and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
- Due to their high percentage of water, they have a low calorie and fat intake.
- They influence the reduction of chemical pain messengers. Therefore, it is used after operations and to treat arthrosis.
- They are part of the balms for irritated skin.
- They are digestive. Contrary to popular belief, it stimulates the stomach mucosa and gallbladder function. To take advantage of these benefits it is advisable to eliminate ribs and consume roasts.
- They have diuretic effects. Thanks to its richness in potassium and low percentage of sodium.
- The red ones have a component with anti-tumor action.
Who should consume pepper
– Pregnant.
– Girls and boys.
– Those who follow low-calorie diets to control or lose weight.
– People who need to reduce sodium and fat consumption.
In cases of:
– Constipation.
– Hypertension.
– Hyperuricemia.
– Drip.
– Kidney stones.
– Water retention.
– High cholesterol.
– Diabetes.
– Rheumatic diseases, arthritis and bone tuberculosis.
The best way to incorporate its nutrients is to consume them daily and in as many meals as possible, raw or without added oil.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.