He Aloe Vera, also called aloe vera, is one of the most popular plants in gardening. Thanks to yours multiple medicinal benefits He has become one of those who have a guaranteed place in homes.
This succulent It blooms during the summer with delicate orange flowers and can grow healthy and strong both indoors and outdoors as long as the necessary care is taken.
THE aloe vera plant It decorates spaces with its elongated and fleshy green leaves. It does not always grow correctly and shows off its delicate flowers. However there are some tips to keep in mind so that it flourishes.
Tricks to grow your aloe vera plant
In summer the Aloe Vera they usually have yellow or orange flowers attractive to the eyes of every gardening lover and, of course, even to those who don’t.
so that you aloe vera is able to flower you should consider some tricks.
The aloe vera plant It can grow both in pots and in the home garden. The first thing to keep in mind for your position For this plant to produce flowers it is essential that it receives plenty of sunlight.
This is why it is essential that it is in a place where there is at least 6 hours of daily lightit can be placed near a window or on the balcony and try to protect it during the strongest hours of the sun, since too much could burn the leaves.
Likewise, aloe vera must have reached maturity in order to flower. If the plant is indoors, it could take up to 3 years, so if you want to ensure its growth, a good option might be to move it outside.
About irrigationYou must do it every 15 or 20 daysFrom moderate form and pouring the water directly onto the ground. If the quantity of water is exceeded, the plant can rot.
However, if you notice that its leaves are very thin and wrinkled in appearance, it means that it needs a little more water.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.