As another full member of our family, ours dog you are exposed to contracting viruses, parasites and bacteria found in the outside world and sometimes in food.
The same thing that happens to us, or to our children when they go to school, and they get the flu in the freezing winter, or they get lice playing with their friends, our dog will also experience the same thing, and Your defenses will drop or be lower.
There are no differences if we live in the countryside, with all nature on the horizon or if we live with our pet in a PH in a very popular neighborhood. Bacteria and insects will come for this.
An earache. A break that repeats itself. Some skin problems or conjunctivitis will be indicators of a lowering of defenses. What to do then?
Graciela Castillo, registered veterinary surgeon 5169, tells us that “a balanced diet, with all the nutrients a dog should have, is essential for it to have a good defense system. They must receive essential supplies of vitamins A, B, C, proteins, fibre, antioxidants and minerals. And if there is a problem, the vet will be able to tell us, in addition to treating it, whether it is necessary to give it a vitamin supplement.”
Dog health routine
The expert from Veterinaria Honduras, from the Palermo district, insists on the fact that compliance with the mandatory vaccination system and systematic deworming of our dog every three months will be fundamental for its good health.
But he also adds other information to take into account: “It is useless to keep the dog locked up so that nothing gets infected. No. But it must be protected from both cold and excessive heat. Taking him for a walk over time so that he can enjoy the outdoors and walking and running is very useful for increasing his defenses,” Graciela Castillo tells us.
And he explains in detail the daily life of our pet: “It is important, when we take him out, not to let him lie in places where chemicals that can cause poisoning have been discharged. And we must keep them clean and take care of them.” from stress. From our stress. “Dogs become attached to us. And they become very sensitive to our problems”, concludes the veterinary doctor.
Seven keys to help your dog’s defenses
Veterinarians usually agree on the ABCs of caring for a family dog. And many dog guardians or owners in cities have great respect for their dogs’ vaccinations, special meals for their nutrition or consultations in case of alarm.
On a site full of keys to taking care of our pets, the Basic Farm company offers us 7 routine tips to keep our dogs’ immune system high.
1. Keep our puppy clean. Proper hygiene is essential to stimulate the immune system. Bathing your dog regularly (not constantly) will help reduce the amount of bacteria.
2. Monitor your weight. The site reminds us that the greater the dog’s weight compared to his ideal weight, the more his immune system will have to fight. Knowing how many calories you should consume per day, adhering to the nutrients recommended by your vet, and paying attention to portion sizes will help your health.
3. Healthy diet. The dog must receive the nutrients it needs to keep its defenses high. And antioxidants play a fundamental role. There are antioxidants in natural foods such as fruits or vegetables (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, for example). And they will also be able to receive them via tablet.
4. Keep dishes and toys clean. Fundamental elements for a dog, every time he returns from walks he usually licks his bowls, dishes and favorite toys, transmitting germs to them. Washing toys and bowls with hot water every day reduces the daily load of bacteria that the immune system has to deal with.
5. Take care of them from family stress. Sometimes we don’t know how sensitive dogs are to our problems, discomforts and suffering. They suffer together with us. And stress can suppress your immune system and reduce your ability to defend against disease. Take care of them!!!
6. Routine check-up at the vet. We usually take our dogs to their expert doctor when we have a problem. But giving them a semi-annual or annual medical check-up, as well as deworming them, will help ensure they are looked after much better.
7. Use of probiotics. This drug is based on beneficial bacteria that act to protect the intestinal mucosa. And they are responsible for moving pathogenic bacteria that enter our dog’s intestines. Only your vet can give them to you. Probiotic supplements are recommended when your dog has loose stools, suffers from allergies or is prone to getting sick often.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.