He January 25, 2024 at 2.54pm in Argentina and Chile; 6.54pm in Spain; 11.54 in Mexico; and at 12.54pm in Peru, New York, Colombia, Ecuador and Miami the Full Moon is at 5°14 degrees of the sign of Leo.
Since ancient times, human activity has been subject to the influence of the Moon.
It would be absurd to deny the influence it exerts on Earth. Several natural phenomena like tides, weather changes, the female cycle and even the behavior of many animals are closely linked to it.
He cycle performed by the Moon and the Sun is the basic model of the planetary cycle.
In every conjunction (New Moon) something is born, grows, reaches its peak (Full moon) it corrupts and dies, where generation corresponds to the cycle growing and corruption with decreasing.
It’s like a breath: we inhale, hold it, exhale and start again. That’s why when they tell us that cycles complete 6 months later, it’s not like that, it’s a invention of “modernity” this has nothing to do with Astrological tradition.
Full Moon in Leo in January 2024: what is the influence of the Moon
Human beings have known the influence of this star since ancient times and, therefore, throughout all time The lunar calendar It was vitally important.
The fact is that although man cannot avoid such cycles, he can benefit from them by taking advantage of his own influences for various jobs and activities.
Due to our current way of life, waiting for the right time for everything is practically impossible, but on many occasions we can verify and experience for ourselves the veracity of this ancient wisdom.
Full Moon in Leo in January 2024: what does the Full Moon mean and what are its effects?
A full moonoccurs when the Sun and the moon I’m inside opposition.
This is a time when all that was stimulated by the new moon and carried out during the vegetative phases, it reaches its best here maximum development whether its results are positive or negative.
During this phase the need is felt more social or mental expansionthis phase is usually characterized by great movement, excitement and expansion of the masses in general.
People are more receptive and social relations more favorable.
The Moon, full of light, disturbs the spirit, causes reason to lose ground and unleashes emotions; Therefore, it is a very favorable period for creativityand reap the benefits of all that has been done during the cycle.
You are more euphoric and situations are created with people who bring answers or solutions to the problems.
THE work initiatives They have ingredients that make it easier. Full moon meetings are more fun.
But the Full Moon is believed to incite violence and growth accidents and emotional crimes.
He body He tends to get agitated more easily and headaches and migraines are typical of this phase.
If we want something to be disclosed, commented on or spread, this is the moment: preferably a few hours before the exact opposition.
Full Moon in Leo for January 2024: the Full Wolf Moon
THE first full moon of the year It is also popularly known as Wolf Moon, because winter is a season in which wolves roam freely, as they do not hibernate like other species, and come out in packs. Although in the Southern Hemisphere the name doesn’t make much sense.
Since in this case it occurs in the middle of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere), this Full Moon is also known as Ice Moon or Old Moon.
There are no scientific explanations for the different names this satellite of the Earth receives.
They were simply called that come on Algonquins -a group of indigenous peoples from the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico- who named them based on agricultural, cultural, or climatic events at the time.
Full Moon in Leo in January 2024: what the sign of Leo is like
This Full Moon occurs on Sign of Leo a sign associated with artistic performances, art, theaters, games and speculation.
Therefore, it encourages fun and activities related to fashion, luxury and valuables.
Of the parts of the body, Leo rules Heart and the circulationas well as on Backwards and the diaphragm.
Everything we do for the heart and circulation in the days of Leo will have a doubly beneficial, preventive and curative effect. With the exception of interventions and operations.
Anything that involves greater strain on the heart and circulation on the days of Leo will have more harmful consequences than on other days.
Full Moon in Leo for January 2024: conjunction with Pluto
The full moon occurs in 5th degree of the Leo/Aquarius axis. The Full Moon on the Leo-Aquarius axis can help preserve a firm attitude, sometimes too intransigent. Plus, it’s inside conjunction with Pluto.
This will be especially true for those who have sensitive points in the first degrees of the fixed signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.
Plutoit is the planet of transformation and regeneration when operating at the highest level; but also that of destruction and extreme changes (all or nothing).
He acts deeper levels of the psyche and its effects are felt much more intensely within us: pain or violence may occur before new change and regeneration occurs.
Pluto eliminates everything that is not necessary to start again. He dives into the depths both physically and psychologically.
Also, since it is the last known planet, it is associated with bordersTO borders and then to death.
It can manifest itself as an increase in strength and will, in a Struggle for power, or in the desire to influence or put pressure on other people; It brings about a great transformation in both the overall life and self-expression of the individual.
The remaining Air signs –Gemini and Libra– receive that influence in a favorable way, expressed as intensity in the most important acts or actions willpower, ingenuity and determination. This is a great aspect for study and research.
Full Moon in Leo for January 2024: Uranus direct in Taurus
Uranusnow stationary, becomes Straight a few hours before the lunation and continues its transit in Taurus.
Therefore, those who have sensitive points at the end of the second decan of the Earth signs –Virgo and Capricorn– as well as the second deanery of Pisces and Cancer (but to a lesser extent) will receive this energy of independence from harmonious shape.
Drive changes by promoting opportunity sometimes once in a lifetime.
This transit favors promotionssynchronize with a increase in popularity and changes in the way of life, new friendships and sometimes exciting romantic adventures!
On the other hand, for those who have sensitive points at the end of the second decan of the Fixed signs –Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio– those Changes can occur suddenly and unexpectedly.
Full Moon in Leo for January 2024: Mars conjunct Mercury
A few hours after lunation, the conjunction of Mars with Mercury in the 16th grade Capricorn.
This gives the Earth the signs –Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; especially those who have sensitive points in the middle of the second decan: great mental strength and intellectual energy.
They will be predisposed to intellectual discussion, debate and to be more aggressive in expressing ideas or defending opinions.
For those who have sensitive points in the center of the cardinal signs –Cancer, Libra and Aries– they must avoid impatience, problems and impulsiveness; They should try to use that cutting energy in a constructive way.
Full Moon in Leo for January 2024: Venus in Capricorn
Venus continues passing through the sign of Capricorn where it will enter on January 23rd until February 16th, when it will enter Aquarius.
The transit of Venus through Capricorn is favorable expression of affection in a serious and committed mannerconservative.
Those are the goodness and sweetness of Venus in the sign of prudence and reflection deep and lasting feelings.
Although Venus in Capricorn can be considered austere and inflexible, it is also a bit fun, and although people with Venus in Capricorn may seem cold, they hide their emotions which can sometimes become turbulent.
This transit will benefit especially to the earth signs –Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn– and, to a lesser extent, also a Scorpio and Pisces.
For those born in the third decan of the signs of Cancer, Aries and Librawe can expect, instead, a period of emotional tensions and in relationships.
Nor are these times particularly favorable for these signs in terms of social activity, meeting friends or romantic proposals. with this contact Nor should one make any imprudent expenditure. it will only serve to gratify momentary desires.
Signs that are not mentioned do not receive strong aspects during this time period. However, those who do not know their birth chart may have sensitized points without knowing them.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.