He lavender tea It is prepared from the beautiful flavoring plant, but few know that its properties also offer numerous health benefits.
Research around the world supports the benefits of an infusiona healthy drink with at least a thousand years of history, as it is believed to have been born around the year 2737 BC, according to the theory of the Chinese emperor Shen Nong.
And over time it has gained fans and many people have incorporated it into their routine natural medicine.
“An infusion offers numerous properties and also works as a natural health remedy, added to physical activity and changing habits“, summarizes an article on the portal of Harvard University.
When is the best time to have tea?
Go to a evening tea You may experience greater relaxation on a mental level, because it is a drink rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Science highlights that these properties help reduce the risk of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease, he explains Harvard men’s healthcare watch.
What properties does lavender have?
THE lavender It is an aromatic plant, although it looks more like a shrub, with its multiple branches and woody stems.
It is quickly recognizable by its purple flowers, but there are also white and pink ones. It flowers in early summer and the flowering tops and leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes. Toothed lavender is highly appreciated for growing in pots due to its great resistance and decorative capacity, it reflects the portal. Body Mind.
Strictly speaking, gender includes more than 30 speciesdozens of subspecies and many selected hybrids.
The species is native to northern and eastern Africa, Arabia, India, the Mediterranean and also southern Europe, although it is currently also cultivated in the United States and Japan.
The four most popular variations are L.angustifolia (English lavender), L. stoechas, L. latifolia and L. intermedia.
The best results are achieved when lavender is planted in places where there is plenty of sun and a dry climate.
In general, the bulk of lavender production revolves around its essential oil, which is in great demand for various uses.
This is extracted from the spikes of its flowers, has a intense and sweet aroma and straw yellow hue.
He lavender oil Not only can it be applied to the skin or inhaled through aromatherapy. it is also possible take it orallybut it is not advisable to do so in large quantities as it could be toxic to your health.
What are the effects of lavender tea
Many of the benefits of lavender tea are supported by science; However, many others do not.
For this reason, before making a decision related to food, It is always important to consult a doctor to provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Below are some of the benefits of this powerful natural lavender infusion, listed on the site Better with healthFrom ACE.
Fight insomnia
Research published in European Journal of Applied Sciences in 2022 evaluated the impact of taking lavender tea before bed in a group of people aged between 20 and 35, for two weeks. They concluded that this tea might have a positive effect on the depth of sleep.
In this sense, the Herbal Medicines Committee (HMPC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) concluded that lavender essential oil can be used to relieve mild symptoms of mental stress and fatigue and as sleep aid.
Control anxiety
Lavender tea might help those suffering from anxiety and stress to improve your mood and make you feel better overall. Its smell provides a relaxing effect, in addition to its potential use against nervous disorders.
A study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine studied the effect of lavender herbal tea on anxiety and depression in older people and established that reduces markers of both conditions.
Improves digestion
Lavender is used to calm some digestive disorders such as stomach problems, colic, intestinal infections or flatulence. However, the evidence in this regard is limited and points to the use of essential oil.
In addition to this, work published in the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology found that lavender can modulate the intestinal microbiota.
This would help prevent gastrointestinal diseases such as bacterial-induced colitis.
Helps reduce headaches
When it comes to mentioning another of its properties, the calming effects appear.
Among many others, a study published in European Neurology suggests that lavender essential oil inhalation may be an effective and safe complementary treatment modality for migraines.
Effective against inflammatory processes
According to a study published in Carbohydrate polymersthe pectic polysaccharides of common lavender, obtained from its extraction with boiling water, can positively mediate the episodes anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory.
How to make lavender tea
The place GastroLab explains step by step to prepare a lavender infusion in the correct way, to make the most of its properties.
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tablespoon dried lavender
Preparation method
- Put the water in a saucepan
- Bring the water to medium heat and let it begin to boil.
- When it boils, add the lavender and then remove from the heat.
- Cover and let rest for 5 minutes
- Filter and serve to enjoy the infusion
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.