Also known as money tree or Hobbit fingers, the jade tree It is a succulent plant, with a tree shape, which is commonly grown as a bonsai.
This plant is one of the most appreciated by gardening and Feng Shui loversas it is considered a lucky charm that attracts prosperity, abundance and money into the house.
In recent times it has become one of the most sought after for interior furnishings. That’s why many are interested how to reproduce a jade tree. The method for multiplying this plant is very simple.
During the summer, these succulents thrive best with plenty of sun exposure to maintain their vitality and health.
How the jade plant reproduces
One of the unconventional methods for Easily reproduce your own jade tree using cinnamon.
For To carry out this procedure you will need: jade tree leaves regardless of their size, ground cinnamon, a shallow pot and a universal substrate.
He first step It consists of cutting the leaves of the jade tree and cleaning them by cleaning them so that they do not have any kind of dust.
So, you will have to put the cinnamon on a plate and pass each part of the jade tree leaf stem through this spice.
Place the universal substrate in the pot and plant each jade tree leaf facing up.
During this process you should not water the plant. It will only be necessary to spray water every 3 or 4 days on Jade tree leaves using a sprayer to keep them hydrated. In this way, in a short time you will begin to see the buds of each of the leaves.
When the at the first shoots you can transfer the leaves into individual pots so that each one becomes a Jade plant.
It is important to keep in mind that this succulent does not require a lot of water and should only be watered when the soil is very dry.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.