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How neurons die and what effect it has on us, according to science

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Our neurons decline throughout our lives due to several factors. The natural cycle is one of them. But there are also conditions or conditions that have a big impact.

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Fortunately, in some cases these processes can be reversed. As the Psicoactiva note explains, the process of neurogenesis produces the generation of new brain cells. In other cases, some treatments slow this process.

Among these reasons are neuropsychological causes, injuries, addictions or bad habits.

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Here is the list of triggering factors published by the Psicoactiva website.

Severe chronic stress

This situation generates high levels of the hormone cortisol which, when it reaches the brain, can destroy cells. neurons.

Even situations of strong anxiety, panic attacks or post-traumatic stress for prolonged periods would have the same effect.

Neurons decline throughout life Photo: nikonsmallworld.Neurons decline throughout life Photo: nikonsmallworld.

Schizophrenia or psychosis

They cause significant brain changes that lead to a loss of brain volume.


One of the characteristics is that the person loses the ability to remember and carry out daily activities. At the same time, damage occurs to the brain and other parts of the central nervous system.


If treatment is not carried out in time, changes in brain cells may occur.


This disease affects the areas of the brain that control body movements.

Huntington’s disease

It is a genetic disease in which neurons in some areas wear out or degenerate.

There are foods that protect the brain.There are foods that protect the brain.


This is the name given to a nervous system problem that causes extreme drowsiness and sleep attacks during the day. According to information from the Mayo Clinic, the cause may be autoimmune destruction of hypocretin-containing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus.

Drug abuse

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, problematic use of cocaine, methamphetamine, or ecstasy results in progressive neural damage.

sleep apnea

Generating a lack of oxygen, they lead to the deterioration and death of brain cells.


THE hit They can cause severe brain damage and often require lengthy rehabilitation to recover affected functions.

In some cases, pharmacological treatments and supportive therapies allow the best possible recovery or less worsening.

Source: Clarin

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