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Stress gastritis: what are the first symptoms and the best treatment

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining, and if it is, it can last a short time acute or last months or years if necessary news. And among its variants appears the nervous gastritis due to stress, a health problem that needs to be treated on time.

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“For most people, gastritis is not serious and improves quickly with treatment,” they say from the site. Mayo Clinica non-profit organization dedicated to clinical practice, training and research.

Either way, it’s important always consult a doctor so we can determine the causes and therefore the best treatment.

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Just when it comes to mentioning the most common causes of gastritis, from Medline Plusthe United States National Library of Medicine lists:

  • Some medicinessuch as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen or naproxen and other similar drugs
  • excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Infection of the stomach with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori
Gastritis attacks the stomach and can have multiple causes.Gastritis attacks the stomach and can have multiple causes.

In turn, among the less common are the following:

  • Autoimmune disorders (such as pernicious anemia)
  • Backflow of bile into the stomach (bile reflux)
  • Cocaine use
  • Ingesting or drinking caustic or corrosive substances (such as poisons)
  • Viral infection, such as cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus
  • Trauma or serious, sudden illness such as major surgery or kidney failure
  • extreme stress

What is nervous stress gastritis?

The doctor Carlos Enrique Barrientos Estradadirector A of the IGSS Central Staff Clinic, explained that “gastritis is the swelling of the stomach mucosa due to strong secretion of gastric juices.

Gastritis is the swelling of the stomach mucosa due to the strong secretion of gastric juices.Gastritis is the swelling of the stomach mucosa due to the strong secretion of gastric juices.

In the case of nervous gastritis, which is very common and painful, he adds, it involves juices They increase due to stress and alteration of the nervous system.

“The causes are multiple, they can be worries about financial or family problems, or overwork”, explains the specialist regarding the daily problems that people go through.

There is a very strong bond narrow gap between the digestive system and the brainTherefore, any stressful situation present for a long period of time alters the fundamental tasks of the nervous system.

What are the first symptoms of stress gastritis?

There are different symptoms of gastritis depending on the type that occurs, as highlighted by San Pablo Clinicfrom Peru.

The first symptoms of gastritis are:

Nausea and vomiting, two symptoms of gastritis.  Photo: ShutterstockNausea and vomiting, two symptoms of gastritis. Photo: Shutterstock
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Feeling full
  • Swelling
  • Loss of appetite
  • Frequent burps
  • Burning or stabbing pain in the upper abdomen
  • Passing black stools from the stomach lining bleeding when it gets worse.

The portal adds that this is how nervous gastritis is defined generated by emotions, such as stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

And one key thing to keep in mind is that this type of condition and its symptoms can appear at any time, as everyday situations can affect your mental state.

Nervous gastritis is generated by emotions such as stress and anxiety.  Photo: Shutterstock.Nervous gastritis is generated by emotions such as stress and anxiety. Photo: Shutterstock.

This also includes the most frequent symptoms burning in the pit of the stomach, gas, constant belching, pain, nausea and heartburn.

How to treat nervous stress gastritis

Treatment of nervous gastritis is complicated, since it must be added psychological strategy to obtain satisfactory results. It is for them that the intervention of a specialized professional Is very important.

Among the most common treatments for nervous gastritis we can mention:

  • Antacids: Help reduce pain, burning and inflammation.
  • Improve eating and lifestyle habits: increase consumption of fruits, fiber and vegetables to improve the digestive process and avoid consumption of refined sugar, carbonated or packaged drinks and alcohol.
  • Eat your food slowly.
  • Don’t sleep immediately after eating.
  • Get adequate rest and sleep.
Doing physical activity helps you relax and clear your mind. Doing physical activity helps you relax and clear your mind.
  • Do physical activity.
  • Avoid negative, obsessive and harmful thoughts.
  • Practice relaxation and breathing techniques to reduce stress.

Source: Clarin

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