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Rituals to attract economic prosperity in February 2024

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Whoever has it wants to keep it; Those who don’t have it look for it anxiously. Who is free from the desire for economic prosperity? The proverb says: money doesn’t make you happy… But it helps!

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Have the money enough to cover our needs is a way to be happy, it gives us peace of mind and security. So much so that, since ancient times, men have practiced rituals to attract abundance and prosperity, wishing good harvests for individual and collective benefit.

None of this has changed in humanity. We continue to demand the forces of nature and of the spirit that help us achieve that well-being.

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The esoteric site specializes in recommending tailor-made rituals for every need. This is what he suggests to those who want to attract money and Good luck.

What rituals to do in February to attract prosperity

1. Visualization

Do a ideal mental scene of what we mean. Imagine the situation we would like to find ourselves in. Think about the good we want to acquire and see ourselves enjoying it.

Visualizing what we want, who we ask of, is the key to getting it./ Shutterstock.Visualizing what we want, who we ask of, is the key to getting it./ Shutterstock.

Close your eyes and think realistically about your financial well-being. Imagine a good salary, a better but possible bank account suited to your needs. You will see that you will feel excited and grateful.

The brain gives you the ability to live as if it were real which is imaginary and in this way you are sending a profound message to the universe, signals that will act as a magnet for the energy to return with the intention of improving your financial situation.

2. Talismans

They are magical objects that evoke the Good luck and economic prosperity. There are special coins for attracting money, energy stones and even bay leaves.

There are stones that accompany us like talismans.  Amethyst./Shutterstock.There are stones that accompany us like talismans. Amethyst./Shutterstock.

The important is put faith in them, charge them with our own energy, ask them what we want and take them with us to the place we go. Touch him often, reminding him of your intentions. The talisman will help you maintain a positive attitude that will attract good luck.

3. Gratitude

Except in cases of extreme necessity, we must recognize that there is always a basis that we already have. We must show our gratitude before asking for more. This attitude of humility is an important tool when we ask for something.

Attitude of gratitude.  To the universe, to life, to the God we ask for./Shutterstock.Attitude of gratitude. To the universe, to life, to the God we ask for./Shutterstock.

Being grateful is the positive attitude we must start from when we ask, it is what allows us to continue to prosper. Don’t forget what we have when we feel something is missing is to put the focus on the positive.

4. Herbal baths

Rituals to attract good luck include immersion baths with some herbs, depending on the intention. A concentrated infusion is prepared and used in the bath water.

Herbal bath.  To attract money and prosperity./ Photo: Yaroslav Shuraev for Pexels.Herbal bath. To attract money and prosperity./ Photo: Yaroslav Shuraev for Pexels.

To attract money and ward off negative energy, choose rue, cinnamon, rosemary, bay leaf, mint or basil.

5. Candles

Candles are part of the rituals of White magic call money. Green or golden ones are suitable in these cases. When turning it on you need to concentrate on the request, visualize it as indicated in point 1 or say a prayer.

Green candles help you find prosperity./ Image by MusikschuleMOI ​​​​on Pixabay.Green candles help you find prosperity./ Image by MusikschuleMOI ​​​​on Pixabay.

You have to leave it on until it burns itself out, you don’t have to blow on the flame to keep it going. connection with the universe.

6. Other options

There are many attitudes and objects linked to the search for economic prosperity or good fortune.

Do not forget:

Jade tree.  Ideal for placing at home, near the door./ Photo: iStock.Jade tree. Ideal for placing at home, near the door./ Photo: iStock.
  • Place a bowl with coins at home.
  • Place a jade tree near the door.
  • We always carry a bay leaf in our wallet.
  • We also carry our favorite talisman or object somewhere, whatever we choose.
  • For those of the Catholic faith, the image of St. Cajetan will take care of them in their work.
  • And most importantly: always be grateful for what you already have.

Source: Clarin

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