In recent days, the video of an influencer named was released Nirvana Hank. Why? Because in the clip the young woman shows her life of luxury and reveals that among her things there is a giraffe. Yes, a real giraffe.
The Mexican shows off her golf cart, a huge dining room with dozens of chairs, an island with monkeys, a statue in one room and the aforementioned giraffe. It’s also filmed inside the “Xolos” playground in Tijuana, making it clear that you have the option to enter it whenever you want.
Immediately many users wondered who this girl is and why she has so much money. Indeed, about the origin of her capital there were not very friendly speculations. but that’s another topic. Here we are answering the following question:
Who is Hank from Nirvana?
Nirvana Hank is a 24 year old girl, daughter of the former municipal president of Tijuana, Jorge Hank Thonand the former MP Maria Elvia Amaya. On the politician’s side he has a total of 22 siblings; eight from father and mother.
Nirvana is one of the few famous Hanks. And he gained his popularity on Instagram and TikTok, where he has amassed, between the two social networks, more than a million followers.

In most of his videos he talks about his experiences as a recovering alcoholic to help others overcome that problem.
And also to help herself. “Sharing my story helps my sobriety a lot. It allows me to remember how I ended it and why, for today, I don’t use it. Thank you as always, I love you,” she says in one of her latest videos.
In another post she says that because of her addiction she “harmed herself” for 8 years, she thought about making an attempt on her life and asked her father to institutionalize her. She realizes that one of the great events that affected her was the death of her mother. “I change my life“he said of that event.
Of the days spent in the hospital, Nirvana even said: “I thought I would go to a strawberry clinic, I never imagined I would end up in an attached farm.”
And he concluded: “The first two weeks I spent thinking ‘I’ll go to my godmother and tell her that all this is a mistake’ (…) She said to me: ‘What are you, it’s arrogant’ and I said to her: ” I’ll sue you, I’ll take everything from you, so let me go.” Annexation isn’t easy, but it works.”

Beyond his difficult life experiences, Hank seems to have found his way through communicating his experiences and helping others.
In some posts she reveals her fanaticism for horse riding, a sport that helped her overcome her problems. “Today I try to grow (..). I am proud to be who I am”, she acknowledges in the publication made at the age of 24 where she shows herself with a horse.
The message ends with a message of resilience for his followers: “Far from congratulating me, congratulations to all who are here today. Because life is not easy and to stay and fight… it is brave.”
Furthermore, in the 2023 annual budget he recognized that he lives in favor”times of change”.
“This year I learned that as we grow, our environment grows with us. Your person grows, changes, adapts… and so does your environment. Relationships, friendships, projects, and old parts of ourselves can remain along the way. All to give space to new passions, projects; new cities, people and adventures. This is the lifestyle. The most precious gift is the present and the sooner we understand it, the sooner we can fulfill ourselves,” she wrote.
Nirvana has not spoken about the viral video. Not on Instagram, not on TikTok.

Hank Rhon, the patriarch of a large family
As we said, Hank is a 68-year-old Mexican businessman and politician. He is the owner of Mexico’s largest sports betting company, Grupo Caliente, and was municipal president of the Mexican city of Tijuana from 2004 to 2007.
Throughout his life, often questioned for alleged brushes with lawlessness, Hank was arrested for two crimes in 1991 and 2011.
First, the police arrested him at Mexico City International Airport when he returned from Japan. In his suitcase he had objects made from exotic and endangered animals. He was accused of smugglingbut they immediately acquitted him.

In 2011, the Mexican army detained him at his residence in Tijuana. He found 88 firearms and more than 9 thousand cartridges. He was acquitted ten days later.
Nirvana’s mother, who died in 2012 when she was just 56, was a member of the Union Congress and president of the National System for the Integral Development of the Family in Tijuana.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.