A month of the new year has already passed and many of us immersed in our daily routine almost didn’t realize it.
Now, as February 2024 begins, we need that loving word of the Archangel who governs us according to our solar sign.
Below is the advice of these beings of light for each of us.
Archangel Michael rules the Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Message for Aries: “It’s a month to stimulate your creativity. Desires to do things, go out, interact with new people will arise. It is time to open up to the opportunities that will contribute to the necessary changes. It will truly be worth the risk of transforming yourself from the inside out. With this energy you will be able to create something original as an entrepreneur.”
Message for Leo: “Your ideas are worth a lot and will be very useful for starting a new project or starting a new story. It is advisable to eliminate what is superfluous. Making changes a life habit and starting to believe in yourself is the prerequisite for overcoming self-imposed blocks.”
Message for Sagittarius: “Something very personal will have to arise within you and fill your life with love even if you doubt it. You must be attentive to the lasting and wonderful new things you can create through your desire to live fully. It takes concentration and awareness.”

Archangel Gabriel rules the Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Message for Cancer: “Having confidence in your own stability will be the important thing, for the lessons that await us. You will have to learn to count on new things that will appear and also on new people that will appear. “Don’t fall into comfortable attitudes that contribute nothing.”
Message for Scorpio: “You have everything on your side to put the past behind you. Let go of what’s weighing you down and give yourself the opportunity to start all over again. But there are also loose ends of a pleasant nature that will advance at a better pace.”
Message for Pisces: “Try not to settle and start making the sacrifices necessary to make your wishes come true. Appreciating yourself in every aspect will help you receive the rewards you deserve. Being open to new events is the advice. Don’t hold back.”
Archangel Raphael rules the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Message for Gemini: “You have to work on what gives you so much satisfaction and not let go. You are well equipped to achieve and overcome all kinds of obstacles in order to achieve what you want most. Don’t be discouraged, you are on the right path.
Message for Libra: “It would be nice and positive if you faced the situations that arise with more collaboration and serenity. Likewise, it is important to manage relationships astutely but without exerting pressure, it is the best thing.”
Message for Aquarius: “You have everything in your favor to think and manage yourself better; You are realizing that there are people you shouldn’t trust. You are in times of change. Get that twist! It’s profitable.”

Archangel Uriel rules the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Message for Taurus: “It is a month of great light and truth, as all is revealed. You will be able to connect and share more with the new people you needed to meet. Your social circle changes as long as you open up. And everything changes in your life. To flow!”
Message for Virgo: “Be open and receptive because they will be able to offer you something creative that will significantly improve your life. Different moments that you should celebrate because they have to do with a new opportunity to have different experiences.
Message for Capricorn: “Try to rigorously establish priorities in the different areas of your life, and do not accumulate provocations. You will be able to count on your usual clarity. “It will be better to use the weapons of diplomacy so that the outcome is to your advantage.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.