With the arrival of summerhigh temperatures are starting to become more and more widespread and discomfort due to the heat is increasing.
According to the analysis of JARduring the past year the average surface temperature of Earth hottest ever recorded so far. Therefore it is important to know how to behave when it is very hot. In detail, the best tips for staying cool.
Among the most effective tips for thermally insulating domestic environments are; block the window to prevent more heat from entering, dry your face with a cold cloth and ventilate it, avoid intense physical activity, keep well hydrated and avoid the use of devices that emit heat, such as the oven.
As for the food, the most recommended is avoid salty ones (since you will have to drink a lot more water to balance the body), as well as those that are hot (they increase body temperature). The ideal food for these situations are fruits, preferably those composed largely of water.

For their part, for those who choose to shower to beat the heat, Doing it with hot water is the best option. While it may seem counterproductive and many believe that leaning towards ice water is ideal, showering with hot water during high temperatures will lower your body temperature and will not be cold enough to stop the flow of blood to your skin and, of course, As a result, heat is trapped in the body.
In this sense, the same thing happens with some foods. Spicy, for example, is highly recommended to combat high temperatures, no matter how counterproductive it may seem at first glance. Containing capsaicin, This food stimulates sweat production which, once expelled, will accentuate heat loss through evaporation. That is, as you sweat, you also cool down.
TO beat the heat at night and have no trouble sleeping, one of the best solutions is to put a fan near the bed and spray cold water on the sheets before sleeping. Another alternative is to place the pillowcases in a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer during the day.

Some tips to combat extremely hot days
A study released by the BBC explains which activities to avoid and how to proceed on days of insatiable heat:
- Wear wet clothes: For water to evaporate, changing its state from liquid to gaseous, an input of thermal energy is required, he explains. That energy will come from your body heat which will produce a cooling effect on your skin, lowering your temperature.
- Put your hands in cold water: Dipping your hands in a bucket or sink filled with cold water can help lower your body temperature, explains Mike Tipton, professor of human physiology at the University of Portsmouth.
- Eat spicy: Sitting down and eating a very spicy taco or mole may seem counterproductive if you’re trying to bring the temperature down. However, chili peppers contain capsaicin which stimulates sweat production.
- Fans near windows A fan in the center of an enclosed room will circulate air, which helps speed up the evaporation of sweat. However, it is much more effective if the device is located next to an open window.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.