Human relationships are too complex, with different personalities and ways of relating that come together It’s impossible for everyone to get along. Although it can be annoying not to please everyone, considering that we are beings who constantly seek confirmation, it is a normal factor that happens more than we think.
Some people find it difficult to hide when they don’t like someone, it shows on their face or their attitudes. Others are more courteous and friendly, masking his disappointment in a way that is almost impossible to identify.
For this second group, the psychology has decided to reveal some clues that will help you distinguish if someone doesn’t like you that have been published on the site PsicologíayMente.
The 8 attitudes of a person when they don’t like you
1. Avoid contact with eyes
One of non-verbal languages What helps identify a person’s dislike is when they avoid eye contact. And when someone doesn’t agree with us or we don’t like it, it’s difficult to hold his gaze or pay attention to what he says, making us feel uncomfortable or tense.
Although this track does not always applyThere are shyer individuals who have difficulty maintaining eye contact, or sometimes it can happen that the person is distracted when we talk to them, and this is not a bad thing. That’s why it’s important to look at other signs before making a judgment.
2. He is not interested in your opinion
When someone doesn’t like you, that person won’t be interested in you. your opinion, point of view or your advice. He’ll enjoy staring at a blank page for hours more than hearing how your day went or what things excite you. The conversation will not flow naturally, there is no need to waste time there.
3. He doesn’t want to see you
When we like someone, we want to see or share them quality time. While everyone has their own life and responsibilities, we create space to spend time together.
This doesn’t happen when someone doesn’t like you. If the person always looking for excuses to not stay, he just doesn’t like you. It may be hard to admit this, but it’s best to realize this before you continue to waste energy on someone who has no intention of seeing you.
4. ignore your presence
As children, we were often told that when someone ignores us, it’s because they want to get our attention. In fact, this theory may fail, as most of the time if someone ignores our presence It’s because they don’t like us.
When the other person doesn’t like you, they will internalize by not sharing space with you. In case you are forced to be in the same room, he will avoid you or turn his back on you as much as I can. The best thing is to respect the other person’s wish, their displeasure is not something that defines you as a person and there will be someone else who will want to be by your side.
5. Your body language is defensive
The mouth may lie, but the body language always betrays it. If anyone gets with arms or legs crossed When he is close to you, it is because he is not comfortable with your presence and keeps his distance.
6. Forced smile
There are great actors who know how to camouflage themselves very well when they don’t like someone, but they almost always succeed little details They end up giving them away. One of these is the forced smile, that biting smile that even seems sarcastic or mocking. When someone smiles at you like that, it means they prefer to remain friendly but don’t like you.
7. Prevent them from meeting
Meetings with an acquaintance we haven’t seen for a while are quite common, and it’s always nice to be able to meet or say hello at that moment. However, if someone who doesn’t like you meets you, they can: cross the street, pretend to be distracted and turn your head for another address.
8. He doesn’t share your sense of humor
The beauty of friendship or healthy human relationships is being able to let go with others, speaking without filters and sharing your own sense of humor with stupid jokes that they will continue to laugh at.
Those precious moments won’t happen with someone who doesn’t like you. Typically, a person who doesn’t like you he won’t try to understand your jokes, he probably won’t even listen to them, and if he does he will force a smile so as not to make a bad impression. Your jokes don’t seem funny, better save them for the people who like you.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.