It was found that American people in their 20s sleep an average of 9 hours and 28 minutes a day, including going to bed early for their health.
It was about 3 hours more than Korea’s average sleep time of 6.3 hours (joint research team of National University of Singapore and Finnish sleep technology startup Oura Health, January 2021 to January 2022).
This is about 2 hours longer than the average sleep time of Korean teenagers (7 hours and 18 minutes).
This is the result of a survey of Americans’ sleep in 2022 by Rent Cafe, an American real estate information provider, and was reported by the American daily Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on the 2nd (local time).
WSJ reported, “Young people are avoiding drinking or going out for dinner in order to go to bed earlier.”
According to the survey results, American people in their 20s slept an average of 9 hours and 28 minutes a day, which is 41 minutes or 8% more than the average sleep time of people in their 20s in 2010 (8 hours and 47 minutes).
It was revealed that Americans in their 20s go to bed at 9 p.m., saying that if they go to bed early, they can sleep more and not only benefit their health but also save money on alcohol.
This trend was also clearly revealed in the results of a survey of 2 million customers by Sleep Number, an American bed manufacturer.
Last December, customers aged 18 to 34 went to bed at 10:06 p.m., about 12 minutes earlier than last January (10:18 p.m.).
As Americans in their 20s go to bed early, businesses targeting young people are said to be trying to adapt to the change by moving up the golden hour of the evening to 6 p.m.
Experts suggest that the appropriate sleep time varies depending on each person and age, but is generally between 7 and 9 hours.
He said it is difficult to find research results showing that sleeping more than 9 hours is more beneficial to health.
Meanwhile, according to the results of a survey on sleep time by country published by a joint research team of the National University of Singapore and Finnish sleep technology startup Oura Health in August last year, Korea ranked 34th out of 35 countries surveyed, with an average of 6.3 hours.
On the other hand, countries such as New Zealand, Finland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, and Australia slept more than 7 hours a day on average.
It was analyzed that the short sleep time of Koreans was influenced by the fact that the average weekly working hours (36.5 hours) were higher than those of other countries.
Source: Donga
Mark Jones is a world traveler and journalist for News Rebeat. With a curious mind and a love of adventure, Mark brings a unique perspective to the latest global events and provides in-depth and thought-provoking coverage of the world at large.