Sebastián Piñera has died: the Government’s condolences, the sadness of Mauricio Macri, the memory of Cristina Kirchner in the face of the fatal accident of the former president of Chile

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With the confirmation that the two-time former president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, died on Tuesday in a helicopter crash, falling into Lake Ranco, in the Los Ríos region, the news has generated confusion among world political leaders.

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The government released a statement. “In the name of Argentine statewe send our condolences to his family, his friends and all the Chilean people”, spread from Office of President Javier Milei.

Maurizio Macri, personal friend de Piñera and with whom he shared parallel mandates, expressed his sadness at the news. She highlighted him as “good people, committed like no other to Chile and to the values ​​of freedom and democracy in Latin America.”

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“Today I bid farewell to a friend and an important leader,” the former president lamented on his X account.

In the Argentine Congress, while the articles of the Omnibus Law were being discussed, the debate was interrupted by the deputy Miguel Ángel Pichetto to ask for a minute of silence of Pinera.


MP Miguel Ángel Pichetto called for a minute of silence following the death of the former president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera.

On the other side of the political spectrum, former presidents Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner showed their regret for the death of Piñera.

The current Security Minister Patricia Bullrich also recalled this. “You do not leave a Democrat with deep convictions,” she wrote.

The shock of the death of Sebastián Piñera among world leaders

The former president of Colombia, Ivan Duque, was one of the first to express emotion online over the death of Piñera, whom he considered “a great friend and comrade”.

Álvaro Uribe, who also governed Colombia, came out to remember the former Chilean president.

“I participated in numerous international meetings with him and, although we did not agree ideologically, we worked side by side on several issues,” stressed Evo Morales, former president of Bolivia, in his online condolence message.

Source: Clarin

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