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How to know if my dog ​​is suffering from joint pain

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As dogs age, they require more attention. compared to when they are small because they may suffer from diseases or joint problems typical of age.

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THE joints They are the hinges of dogs that allow them to walk, move and jump from head to tail. All parts They work together to make the musculoskeletal system work. in a normal way.

Without healthy joints and bones, muscles cannot function normally. and the body loses mobility. But as the years pass, this loss of mobility is normal due to the continuous wear and tear of the cartilage.

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Joint pain in dogs

It is important to pay attention to your dog's behaviors to detect if he has joint pain.  Photo: Pixabay.It is important to pay attention to your dog’s behaviors to detect if he has joint pain. Photo: Pixabay.

So that the dogs have a optimal bone development and joints food is essentialit must be adequate to provide the energy and nutritional intake necessary for the type of breed.

Carefully observe movements and behaviors of our dog is something fundamental, in order to determine whether stiffness, lameness or fatigue is related signs of joint problems.

It can exist many reasons for capture and stiffnessthis is why it is important that when strange behavior is detected, you consult a specialist to carry out a precise assessment.

How to know if my dog ​​is suffering from joint pain

Fatigue in dogs is a sign that they are suffering from joint pain. Fatigue in dogs is a sign that they are suffering from joint pain.

AniCura is a chain of animal hospitals and clinics located in Europe, highlights a list of signs which are useful to be able to detect if a dog is suffering from joint pain.

  • Rigidity in movements.
  • Difficulty getting up or walking after being at rest.
  • Losing activity levels.
  • Reduced mobility.
  • Difficulty jumping.
  • Some areas of the mantle may be in worse condition because you cannot reach them.
  • Irritability on palpation.
  • Avoid contact.
  • Decreases appetite.

Diseases related to joint pain

This is highlighted by the official AniCura website Joint problems often cause fractures, muscle injuries and strained ligaments in case the dog has stiffness.

There are several diseases or conditions related to joint pain and stiffness, such as osteochondrosis which usually affects the shoulder joint. There is also the hip dysplasia, which is an abnormal formation of the hip socket. The most common of all is osteoarthritis.

THE Osteoarthritis in dogs is a joint disorder, degenerative and chronic that generates pain and limits mobility in them. The UAX Veterinary Clinical Hospital in Madrid explains that there are several reasons why osteoarthritis can occur in dogs.

Reasons why a dog may have osteoarthritis

Large breed and older dogs are more likely to suffer from joint pain.  Photo: Unsplash.Large breed and older dogs are more likely to suffer from joint pain. Photo: Unsplash.
  • He agingas they have degeneration of bone joints.
  • He dog size, Large breeds are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis.
  • If the dog has overweight or obesity since extra pounds wear down the cartilage in the joints faster.

How to care for a dog with joint pain?

  • Keep the dog in a ideal weight, It is important to turn to specialists to observe each particular case and know what dietary advice is necessary.
  • Let the dog in activities on a regular basis and in good physical condition, it helps to prolong the active life of its owner.
  • Carry out regular visits to the vets in order to promptly identify any joint injuries and avoid further damage.

Source: Clarin

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