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Where do fleas hide on dogs?

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We usually encounter this problem in late spring or summer. When the days are warmer, they are more beautiful because they extend the walks in the neighborhood square.

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Suddenly we noticed that our dog He scratches a lot. The head, behind the ears. He also bites his paws a little. And with ever more intensity.

The fleas have gotten to him. It is very likely. And you will have to move to help them disappear. And it won’t be easy.

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Fleas are generally very annoying. But it is unlikely that they can harm our dog since they do not spread dangerous diseases. But it is the most common parasite that occasionally lives on the skin and fur of mammals and birds. There are no fewer than 2000 species on earth. And some of them arrived at our house. Or more than one.

More prolonged itching is the first symptom of fleas./ Photo by Alberto García on Pixabay.More prolonged itching is the first symptom of fleas./ Photo by Alberto García on Pixabay.

Where do fleas hide on dogs?

Fleas They attack dogs in summer and They climb on it to procreate and produce the eggs of their offspring. They measure from one to six millimeters in length. They climb onto the dog’s back to feed on its blood and lay eggs. And as adults they can jump 15cm onto the dog’s back.

Fleas can leave up to 30 eggs a day on your dog's back.Fleas can leave up to 30 eggs a day on your dog’s back.

According to the report Zooplus magazine website In one text, “the evolution of the flea goes from the egg to three larval stages, then to the pupa and, finally, to the adult flea. After colonizing the dog, the female swallows blood within minutes and, after a day, it begins to lay eggs.”

And he also explains to us how the flea problem is not only fought in the dog but in the environment, when he tells us: “During her 50-100 days of life, a female lays approximately 30 eggs per day. Typically the eggs are laid during the dog’s rest periods and fall onto the bedding, carpet, or other cool places where the dog lies down to rest in the summer.

The Mobile site, for its part, explains in an article where fleas usually remain on the dog. “In order to detect fleas, you should notice if your dog scratches more than usual. Fleas, at first, cannot be seen with the naked eye and They hide in the following areas: behind the ears, on the back, at the base of the tail, on the belly and on the inside of the thigh”.

It also tells us that if we see that the dog scratches a lot, we need to check the lower back. If you see very small black or brown spots, they are fleas. In fact, he tells us, What we see is flea feces.

Fleas move on the dog

Even if we know the places most frequented by fleas when they live with a dog, the Animal Vision website In a note he explains that fleas want to stay on the dog and will do everything possible to avoid having to remove him.

Fleas breed on the dog's body in summer.  They feed on their blood./ Photo: RAID.Fleas breed on the dog’s body in summer. They feed on their blood./ Photo: RAID.

Animal Vision explains: “Adult fleas are designed to live indoors mammal fur. They will move from one part of their body to another as needed to escape threats such as being bathed or groomed. “While any part of a dog’s body can harbor fleas, they often hide in the thick fur near the back.”

“This is why (adds the specialized site) dogs often suffer from flea allergy dermatitis signs of itching and secondary hair loss, redness or hot spots around the back half of the body, including the rump, base of the tail, and sometimes the back of the thighs and inner thighs.

What to do if our dog has fleas

The general manager of Pet centerof Avenida Córdoba 1557, (CABA), Matías Wullich, tells us that having discovered that our dog has fleas and I slept in our bed, it’s a problem. But very easy to fix. And it offers three simple steps:

Bathing is one of the most popular home methods for eliminating fleas.Bathing is one of the most popular home methods for eliminating fleas.
  1. Take your dog to the vet immediately. And wait for them to treat him, with the necessary drugs. And with some professional cleaning precautions.
  2. Decontaminate our home. Because fleas leave their eggs in the dog’s fur, eggs that fall around the house and nest in carpets, armchairs and park floors.
  3. If we have itching, we go to a dermatology department where they will prescribe a quick and effective treatment.

Focusing on the disinfection of our home, Matías Wullich suggests purchasing it when we finish cleaning the dog a latest generation IGR spray insecticide. And when we get home we leave the dog outside or with a friend to disinfect the rooms.

The dog expert explains to us: “We must leave the dog outside because it can get poisoned. Then go to the room where the bed is. And launch the aerosol from that room heading towards the exit door. And leave the house closed for about 3 hours.”

The pipette, one of the most traditional ways to get rid of fleas.The pipette, one of the most traditional ways to get rid of fleas.

And he clarifies: “The aerosol should not be thrown into the air, because fleas do not live in the air and we can become intoxicated. You need to look at the floors, the bed, the armchairs, the carpets, the armchairs, any type of upholstery, the doors, the door frames, the corners. And in the end we wait outside the house, with our dog, for the infecticide to exterminate all the fleas and flea eggs.”

Source: Clarin

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