There is a saying that goes: “Don’t change what works”. So much so that any technical director or coach will implement it.
But when the need for change arises, it is because something in the gear system has stopped working.
This is the time to start thinking about change, renewal or transformation. Already We are not comfortable with ourselves.
Sometimes it’s about identifying a dysfunctional element of our lives and at other times when we need a radical change in search of the desired positive energy.
THE esoteric disciplines They offer a catalog of rituals based on needs.
In cases of change of direction in life, we will follow the proposal of place It’s hidden which, based on ancient beliefs, offers us the tools for personal transformation.
How to do a personal renewal ritual
If you want to turn your life around, you need to start with a purification ritual expel stagnant energies which block circulation and damage the body and mind.
Remove the burdens of the past It is what will open the doors to the new.
How to do it:
1. Establish the space to develop the ritual
Setting up your space well before the ritual is key. Our mind and emotions should flow freely and should not be interrupted.
Find a quiet place and tidy it up; Remove the superfluous and everything that is part of the aspects of your life that you want to leave behind (photos, objects, memories that no longer influence you positively).
2. Purify the place
This is something that is achieved very well with a sage or palo santo incensetwo elements that purify energies.
Notice how smoking takes away the negative from the environment and from you.
3. Immersion bath
Before you begin, take a immersion bath with sea salt or with lavender or rosemarytwo aromatic herbs that relax and help ward off negative thoughts.
4. White or blue candles
Light white or blue candles that will guide you on your path and bring peace and purification. You can reinforce the effect with energetic incense to promote concentration.
THE quartz crystals and the amethyst They provide favorable waves for meditation.
5. Write what you are looking for
On a piece of paper, write down in detail what you want to transform in your life. Write down what you want to acquire and what you want to forget. This helps organize your thoughts.
Fold the paper and burn it with the candle flame. Breathe deeply and focus on the present, you will see in the smoke of the paper how old energies transform into something new.
6. Bring the ashes to the ground
Collect the ashes from the paper you just burned and offer them to the earth. This represents the liberation from old bonds and the reception of a new life project.
7. Give thanks
Thank the forces of the universe or whoever gave your faith for helping in the renewal process.
Extinguish the candle and incense without blowing, you can smother the flame with a spoon or a candle snuffer.
Repeat the ritual whenever you feel it is necessary. Each time you will be able to reach your inner depths with more intensity and thus modify what you desire from the root.
Over time you will see how much you have managed to change your life and how flows of positive energy for your home, your body and your mind.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.