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The best breathing exercises to reduce stress

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Disorders like stress and anxiety They can appear at any age and time of day and more and more people are affected. Not being in control can lead to chronic stress, which at worst can lead to risks blood pressurestomach pain, headaches and symptoms of depression increase.

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One of the best ways to control it is through different breathing techniques that contribute to relaxation.

Breathing techniques can help to relax and lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, it will allow you to deal with chronic stress in the short, medium and long termas well as preventing other heart diseases.

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One of the best ways to relax is to take a few minutes to practice deep relaxation. To do this, you need to be in a warm environment and wear comfortable clothes, without missing out on the rest things get in the way or interrupt the exercise.

How to breathe correctlyHow to breathe correctly

A good deep breath, also known as abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing, which reduces stress, is done sitting or lying down, with one hand on the belly and the other on the chest. Then, he inhales and holds the air on his stomach as it rises, exhaling gently after 5 seconds.

In this sense the “Better with Health” website has detailed some of them techniques breathing which will reduce stress. One of them is “counting your breath”, which allows this free the body from various tensionsas well as being “an activity that can provide wisdom, as well as health benefits”.

To do this, you need to sit with your back straight and your head tilted slightly forward with your eyes closed. Then, you need to inhale for 2 seconds, hold your breath for 3 seconds and inhale, to repeat the process progressively. That is, a new inhalation of 4 seconds, hold the breath and release it for 5. It is recommended to repeat the exercise for 3 to 5 minutes.

Benefits of breathing exercises to reduce stressBenefits of breathing exercises to reduce stress

Another recommended by the portal is the “bumblebee breathingan exercise in which they will make a light sound while connecting body and mind to obtain a pleasant sensation of well-being. “It is ideal for relieving episodes of stress and anxiety, especially when they are accompanied by muscle tension and heachache“He adds.

To do this you need to keep your back straight, close your throat slightly and cover your ears with your thumbs and your eyes with your fingers. Subsequently, the lips should be kept semi-closed and the teeth separated, with the relaxed jaw. Exhale gently, vibrating the vocal cords, with about 5-10 repetitions.

Benefits of breathing exercises to reduce stress

“Having to deal with many responsibilities and tasks or the demands of a illness, relaxation techniques may not be a priority in your life. But this means you may be missing out on the benefits of relaxation,” explains the Mayo Clinic health site on breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Next, what are the benefits offered by these breathing techniques:

  • Decrease your heart rate
  • Low blood pressure
  • Decrease breathing rate
  • Improves digestion
  • Check blood glucose levels
  • Reduce the activity of stress hormones
  • Increases blood flow to larger muscles
  • Reduce muscle tension and chronic pain
  • Improves attention and mood
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Reduce anger and frustration
  • Develop the confidence to solve problems

Source: Clarin

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