The origin of the term “make love” dates back to the Stoics. However, this expression is mainly associated with the German philosopher and poet Friedrich Nietzsche.
The word fates is a Latin expression meaning “to love destiny” or “to love destiny”.
He make love It is linked to the concept of eternal recurrence proposed by Nietzsche, according to which time is circular and during an infinite period of time everything repeats itself infinitely.
What does the expression amor fati mean, according to Nietzsche?
The expression make love It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in life, including suffering and loss, as good or at least necessary.
For the philosopher, make love It means love for what touches us in destiny or infinite luck.
This term appears for the first time in his work Gaya Ciencia of 1882. «I want to learn every day to consider beautiful what is necessary in things; so I will be one of those who embellish them. Amor fati: let this be my love from now on. No “I want to wage war on ugliness. I don’t want to accuse, not even the accusers. My only refusal is to look away! And in everything and in the greatest things, I just want to one day become an assertor!” .
Already in his last books, precisely in Ecce Hommo (1888), Nietzsche will give a much more precise definition of the term: “My formula for expressing greatness in man is amor fati: not wanting anything to be different, not even in the past or in future nor for all eternity: not only endure what is necessary, much less hide it, but love it.
German also explains it make love It’s loving things. Not just enduring, but wanting things to happen as they happen. Live and love the events that make up your life.
In turn, Nietzsche associates the concept of superman with that of make love: the superman is the only one capable of leaving the closed circle of eternal return, in which the concept of evolution would have no place.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.