In recent years the souls has had exponential growth, with series and films of manga adaptations which caused a stir among fans.
Anime originated in Japan in 1960 and emerged as the drawing of characters animated by hand or digitallya world famous style of cartoons and comics.
Many followers and art enthusiasts wish they could do this learn to draw anime charactersIt seems like a difficult task but it is not, whether by hand or on the computer.
How to draw an anime character: step by step
1.Draw the head
To start an anime drawing you need to do this draw the headthat’s why you have to draw a circle using a cup or glass upside down or freehand. Then you need to find a midpoint inside the circle and mark it with a small pencil mark.
One must separate the circle in the centerand to the end create spaced horizontal lines. They are ideal for people who are learning to draw anime, as they help position the eyes, nose and mouth correctly.
2.Drawing eyes: key to expressing yourself in anime
To start drawing the face of the anime character you need to do this map the eyebrows, drawing small arcs above and along the second horizontal line. Between lines three and fourdraw two vertical arcs with a line at the top and bottom creating the eye contour.

There are many alternatives for drawing anime eyes, but one of the easiest for beginners is to make them based on a semicircle in the top corner of the right side of the eye circle. This should remain white and the rest of the circle should be shaded, creating the wide-eyed look characteristic of these cartoons.
3.Draw the anime character’s mouth
In the third step you have to draw a small curve or line which varies depending on the style you are looking for, should be placed along the bottom edge of the circle to form a small nose. The guidelines should be used to work the anime’s mouth.

The most common mouth shape in anime is a small curve that sits about three-quarters from the top to the bottom of the face.
4.Final touches
At this point the anime is almost over, I just have to draw two lines vertically below the face forming a neckso close to each other depending on the desired design.
He hair of an anime character It is what differentiates it from others, it also depends on whether it is a female or a male.

If you want to draw a lad with short hair should be drawn small dots under the top of the face, the lines should be curved downwards, a hair format characteristic of male anime characters. The lThe lines should come together to form something similar to a palm tree.
If your anime will be a lassTHE curved lines start the same way than for the male character but it should only be one or two lines. Then the curved lines will be longer and large around the face to simulate long hair.
To the finish the adjustmentshair, mouth, eyes and nose can be delete the leading lines which helped shape the face and place facial features where they are usually found on anime characters.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.