Home World News The Court acknowledged that the abortion draft was true and Biden warned: “A woman’s right to choose is important”

The Court acknowledged that the abortion draft was true and Biden warned: “A woman’s right to choose is important”

The Court acknowledged that the abortion draft was true and Biden warned: “A woman’s right to choose is important”

The unpublished leak on Monday night’s a draft of the Supreme Court of the United States, stating that the Court is already preparing revoke the right to abortionfell like a bomb in a divided country and there were legislative elections in November.

The climate of controversy intensified on Tuesday when the Court itself admitted the released draft. it is realit is called “real”. However, he treated the leak as an infidelity “ and clarified that it does not represent a decision of the Court or the final position of its members in a case.

In a press release, the magistrate John G. Roberts Jr. it denounced the leak as an effort to “page the integrity of our operations.”

“They will not succeed,” he sentenced and continued: “The work of the Court will not be affected in any way.”

The court explained that magistrates disseminate draft opinions all the time as a task and an important part of confidential work of the Court.

a sensitive subject

The subject is very sensitive and explosives for the citizens and many of them did not even wait for dawn in Washington and go out to protest or celebrate in front of the Court building.

Joe Biden came out at the intersection of the leak in a statement in which he warned of that “A woman’s right to choose is important”

Pro- and anti-abortion protesters lined up in front of the Courthouse in Washington.  Photo: Reuters

Pro- and anti-abortion protesters lined up in front of the Courthouse in Washington. Photo: Reuters

Biden clarified that his government was struggling in favor of ruling Roe VS Wade to legalize abortion in the US And stressed that “if the Court dismisses Roe, it will fall into the hands of elected officials at all levels of government in our country protect women’s right to choose. “

And he will call the November election to elect senators and deputies in favor of the right to vote to pass legislation to codify Roe’s ruling, that “I will _say_ sign the law.”


The draft, written by Judge Samuel Alito, is a document that circulated within the Court and as the opinion of the majority. It will be endorsed by 6 of the 9 members of the Court, conservative majority thanks to 3 justices appointed by former President Donald Trump. This was revealed on Monday night by Politico, in a scoop cause an earthquake in society and politics.

A woman cries in front of the Court, in Washington.  Photo: AFP

A woman cries in front of the Court, in Washington. Photo: AFP

This fact has been leaked –this is the first time something like this has happened in a court completely calm—This is just a sample of how controversial this issue is and all the controversy it will cause until the Court announces its decision, which is expected It was at the end of June.

A rejection of the ruling Roe VS Wade

The document is a full and uncompromising denial of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision guaranteeing federal constitutional protection of abortion rights, and a subsequent decision in 1992 – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that’s more holding on to the right.

In principle, the case reviewed by the Court is related to a law of the state of Mississippi which sought to ban most abortions after the 15th week. But not only will the Court decide this case, but will move to repeal “Roe vs. Wade” because Alito said this decision was “extremely wrong from the beginning”, and called for its repeal.

Pro-life and pro-choice movements before the United States Supreme Court.  Photo: AFP

Pro-life and pro-choice movements before the United States Supreme Court. Photo: AFP

Although the draft can be changed until the final decision, the decision will end half a century of federal constitutional protection of the right to abortion and will allow each state to decide whether to restrict or prohibit abortion.

Planned Parenthood, which runs abortion clinics nationwide, said in the draft opinion It’s embarrassing “, but warned that “it is uncertain.”

Meanwhile, anti-abortion activists viewed the draft with optimism. “You know the old saying: ‘It’s not over’ till it’s over. ‘ we are full of hope that one day those born in America will be a little safer, ”said Cathy Nix, executive director of the San Antonio Coalition for Life.

The consequences

According to experts, the repeal of Roe vs. Wade will take the lead right away to more stringent access restrictions on abortion in the southern and midwestern states, noting that nearly half of the states are ready to impose immediately broad ban on abortion. Any state can still legally allow the procedure.

Roe Vs. Wade guarantees the termination of the pregnancy until week 24, the generally accepted medical standard for the possibility of a fetus coming out of the womb.

In recent times, many states have cut back on this period arguing that abortion is legal before the 15th week or even, such as Texas and Oklahoma, until the fetal heartbeat is heardwhich is at about 6 weeks, producing an abortion almost impractical.

Each state will impose the regime it wantsang

The decisions of this state are always falling apart a legal battle to go up to Court. If Roe v. Is reversed. Wade, states get the green light impose the regime they want.

The Guttmacher Institute, a research group that advocates for abortion rights, said it was “certain or likely” that 26 out of 50 states prohibit abortion if the ruling is revoked. However, some governors of traditionally more liberal and Democratic states, such as Pennsylvania and California, clarified on Monday night that they guarantee abortion. would still be legal in those territories.

The impact of the news was immediately seen on the street: once the draft was published, hundreds of people came out to protest or celebrate Monday night in front of the white marble building that houses the Washington Supreme Court and the police. to intervene because there are rivalries between the “can live” and “can choose” groups.

Among the crowd singing “my body, my decision,” Abby Korb, a 23-year-old student and parliamentary assistant, said she was “literally in shock”. For him, “banning abortions won’t end them, it will make them more dangerous,” The Washington Post reported.

Once the draft was released, hundreds of people came out to protest or celebrate on Monday night.  Photo: AP

Once the draft was released, hundreds of people came out to protest or celebrate on Monday night. Photo: AP

Opposite the sidewalk is Claire Rowana 55-year-old mother of seven, who celebrated early on the Court’s possible decision and said she hoped people “ask God for forgiveness” so that the United States can “cure itself”.

Roe against Wade It is widely accepted by the population.. A Washington Post/ABC poll from late last year found that out 60% of Americans the court wants handle the bug, while only 27% want it repealed.

The draft opinion threatens to give a turnaround for legislative elections in November unpredictable.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer targeted conservatives in the Supreme Court, without naming them, who testified at their confirmation hearings that respects the legal precedent.

“They lied to the Senate”ang

“If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is ready to impose the largest restriction of rights in the past fifty yearsnot just women but all Americans, “they warned in a statement.

“Some of these conservative judges, who have no accountability to American citizens, they lied to the senate of the United States, has torn the Constitution and tarnished its predecessors and the reputation of the Supreme Court, all at the expense of tens of millions of women who will soon be stripped of their bodily autonomy and constitutional rights they relied on in half a century. “

Some Democrats have argued that the reversal of Roe vs. Wade stimulate the party’s voter base and also to some independent voters who until now have been less enthusiastic than Republicans about getting the vote.

“It’s another reminder of how much success Donald Trump had in 2016 changed the path of our country. Stopping his re -election was the biggest reason Democrats voted in 2020, and will have a similar impact in the midterms, ”said Richard Luchette, a Democratic strategist.

A former Senate Republican adviser is more skeptical in the New York Times that Democrats will benefit. “Does this motivate married women outside the city to vote Democrat, against a backdrop of war in Europe, high gas prices, education problems and rampant illegal immigration? I don’t think so, ”he said.

“It will also motivate the conservative base in an election where Trump is not on the ballot, even if the base is highly motivated.”

Washington, correspondent


Source: Clarin


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