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What is the smartest sign in the Chinese horoscope?

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According to some theories, there are twelve types of intelligence. This premise is supported, among others, by the psychologist Jonathan García-Allen, a graduate of the University of Barcelona and communications director of the website Psicología y Mente.

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Beauty, health and intelligence are three socially valued traits, García-Allen says, but they are complex concepts. Of none of them you can say that you have it or you don’t have it: “intelligence is full of nuances”, says the professional in an excellent article on the subject.

Starting from this definition, the specialist distinguishes between:

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  1. Linguistic intelligence (linguistic competence).
  2. logical-mathematical intelligence (ability to conceptualize relationships between symbols).
  3. Spatial intelligence (observation of the world from different perspectives).
  4. Musical intelligence (ability to play and compose musical pieces).
  5. Bodily and kinesthetic intelligence (use of the body and movements).
  6. Intrapersonal intelligence (they understand themselves and reflect on their own behaviors and emotions).
  7. Interpersonal intelligence (skills of social relations and empathy).
  8. emotional intelligence (self-control, empathy, social skills, emotional awareness).
  9. naturalistic intelligence (sensitivity towards nature and the environment).
  10. Existential intelligence (meditative, philosophical, seeking self-knowledge, facing the universe physically and psychologically).
  11. creative intelligence (innovation, flying mind, imagination, production of ideas).
  12. Collaborative intelligence (group work, team management, personal and social organisation).
Types of intelligence.  Classification.  The smartest signs of the Chinese horoscope./ Photo: iStock.Types of intelligence. Classification. The smartest signs of the Chinese horoscope./ Photo: iStock.

A numerologist would say: twelve types of intelligence and twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. Coincidence? We need to see if each corresponds to a sign, but each type of intelligence corresponds to a type of personality.

Let’s see what astrology says on this topic, according to the Terra portal.

Intelligence and signs of the Chinese horoscope

The twelve animals that represent the signs of the Chinese horoscope have different characteristics and his tools to overcome the obstacles that life presents.

Intelligence and signs of the Chinese horoscope./ Photo: Shutterstock illustration.Intelligence and signs of the Chinese horoscope./ Photo: Shutterstock illustration.

Some are more expansive or colder, others more dangerous, others even more intellectual, this is also influenced by the elements present within each sign: Wood, fire, earth, metal and water. According to Terra, the three most intelligent signs are:


  • People born in the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 or born in 2025.
The snake is one of the most intelligent signs according to Eastern astrology.  Characteristics.The snake is one of the most intelligent signs according to Eastern astrology. Characteristics.

They are calm and mysterious. If there is conflict, they stand aside to meditate. They intervene with good decisions at the right time.

In the study of the signs of Chinese horoscope Those of the Snake sign are considered people with a lot of ability and intuition to place themselves in low intensity situations in life but from which they will emerge highly favored.


  • People born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and those born in 2028.
The monkey is another of the signs of the Chinese horoscope considered one of the 3 most intelligent.The monkey is another of the signs of the Chinese horoscope considered one of the 3 most intelligent.

Those born under the sign of the Monkey in the Chinese horoscope are people who manage things very well. relations. They are charismatic and can lead groups.

That particular charisma they have makes them popular and they take advantage of it to obtain better positions in life. As indicated by Eastern astrologythey are able to analyze what will happen in the future, so they anticipate and are ready for problems or challenges.


  • People born in the years 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and those born in 2031.
The pig is the third of the Chinese horoscope signs considered the most intelligent.  Why?The pig is the third of the Chinese horoscope signs considered the most intelligent. Why?

The sign of the Chinese horoscope is considered one of thethe most intelligent of everyone, since they have the ability to regulate their emotions. This protects them from acting on impulse and attracting attention.

They are skilled, sincere and prudent. But they don’t hesitate to open their hearts to people they appreciate or to those who need them. His permanent solidarity and his disinterest in intentions allow him to have excellent friends in life.

And… what happens with the rest of the signs?

As published by the Clarín newspaper, the remaining nine signs also have their own tools to manage themselves in life.


  • People born in the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 and those born in the year 2032.
What are the characteristics of the Rat in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the Rat in the Chinese horoscope.

They are enterprising, perceptive and astute people. Sensitive to emotions of others, they are also stubborn with their opinion.

Financially, they like to save and can be stingy. The rat has a sex appeal that is a trademark.


  • People born in the year 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 and those born in the year 2033.
What are the characteristics of the buffalo or ox in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the buffalo or ox in the Chinese horoscope.

They get ahead through work, patience and loyalty. They are always discreet: They don’t try to be the center of attention. This sometimes hides his talent, but he gets recognition through his hard work.

With an enormous emotional capacity to withstand the onslaughts of existence, buffaloes exude authority from childhood. They are charged with the tasks of being guardians and protectors of the family, to fulfill the family, work, political and social roles that suit him perfectly. They are called to become leaders of the pack.


  • People born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 and those born in the year 2034.
What are the characteristics of the tiger in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the tiger in the Chinese horoscope.

They face their courage and their powerful image. They tend to be unpredictable. They rarely feel tired and experience intense emotions.

Sometimes, however, they make brazen decisions and are difficult to control. The tiger is always alert, his perception and senses are more awake than others. His charisma is a double-edged sword. And he needs you to admire him, to applaud him, to be aware of his whims and whims.


  • People born in the year 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 and those born in the year 2035.
What are the characteristics of the rabbit in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the rabbit in the Chinese horoscope.

They try to avoid conflicts and stay out of them. They are sensitive and prefer tranquility. The rabbit is also a symbol of protectionaffection, luck, magic, connection with the afterlife.

In both sexes it is distinguished by harmony, softness, beauty, refinement, good manners, aesthetic sense and artistic talent. The Rabbit is a leader in the school, neighborhood, business, profession or sport he chooses and will bring good luck to his team.


  • People born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and those born in this year 2024.
What are the characteristics of the dragon in the Chinese horoscope./Shutterstock.What are the characteristics of the dragon in the Chinese horoscope./Shutterstock.

Dragons have a inexhaustible energyThey always aim for more and dominate situations. Strong and independent, they want to be supported and loved.

Endowed with innate courage, tenacity and intelligence, dragons are enthusiastic and confident. They are not afraid of challenges and are willing to take risks. Since imperial times the dragon represented the best virtues of man. Since the dragon is the only mythological animal of the Chinese Zodiacit is revered and respected more than other signs.


  • People born in the year 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and those born in the year 2026.
What are the characteristics of the horse in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the horse in the Chinese horoscope.

They are characterized by their passion, adventures and their independence in making decisions. Horses are full of energy, too. Studious and athletic, they firmly believe in chasing dreams.

Instead of wealth and fame, happiness motivates them. The Horse lives with passion until the end. From a young age they will stand out for their bright personality, sex appeal and charisma. Agile, they have physical and, partly, intellectual dexterity.


  • People born in the year 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and those born in the year 2027.
What are the characteristics of the goat in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the goat in the Chinese horoscope.

Goats are loving and selfless, always thinking of others, even if they are against their own interests. They have creative and emotional intelligence. They are kind to and for the world.

Family is fundamental to you Emotional developmentvocational, in his right or wrong choices, in the deviations he may have due to decent and indecent proposals and in the fact that he is easy prey to the temptations to give in that are offered to him. A Goat woman stands out in the flock: elegant, sensitive, beautiful, with a sense of humor and grace she is irresistible.


  • People born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and those born in the year 2029.
What are the characteristics of the rooster in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the rooster in the Chinese horoscope.

Honest and hardworking, they have self-confidence and this helps them move forward. Los Gallos are people complex They seem strong, but deep down they need the confirmation of their loved ones.

They are serious in their work and decisive in their actions. They will directly criticize what they consider inappropriate and They are perfectionists. In women it is the sign with the most qualities for marriage and raising children.


  • People born in the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 and those born in the year 2030.
What are the characteristics of the dog in the Chinese horoscope.What are the characteristics of the dog in the Chinese horoscope.

They fulfill their obligations, are empathetic and try to protect others. THE Dogs are loyal and honest, kind and affable, cautious and prudent.

Having a strong sense of loyalty and sincerity, dogs will do anything for the person they deem most important. They will never abandon their friends, family or work.

Source: Clarin

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