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What are the 7 types of fear?

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He Fear It is considered a paralyzing and limiting emotion. However, it can also be seen as a natural sensation that even needs to be experienced.

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At some point it’s an elusive emotion. And this has to do with the fact that in general it is very complex to detect it root of those fearsunderstand them, know their true meaning and, above all, overcome them.

Because, ultimately, the problem is not fear But the way each person understands and manages their fears. As a psychological phenomenon, fear protects against many harmful factors.

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Fear often paralyzes.  Photo: Pexels.Fear often paralyzes. Photo: Pexels.

The problem is when a multitude of fears towards situations that are not really dangerous and affect life.

It is at that moment that the Fear It ends up turning into anger, insecurities, arguments, discouragement or that paralysis that is so common when faced with problems. They can be defined, in a broad sense, seven types of fear.

The different types of fear

Fear of not making it and of failing

As for challenges and projects, this Fear It’s usually a paralyzing force when it comes to accomplishing what you really want to do.

But the truth is that no one is always 100% prepared to take on something new, and many times, what could be interpreted as a failure is actually a learning experience.

Fear of loneliness

Human beings are never alone. Because we are a social being, the quality or quantity of the relationships we have depend on openness and trust. Paradoxically, the more suspicious the more Fear there is loneliness.

And this is a condition that leads to isolation or, conversely, trying to preserve people on the base fears and insecurities.

Fear of death (one’s own or that of others)

Death is a natural process that people live with. Society often isolates people from this process, which breeds even more of it Fear.

As a psychological phenomenon, fear protects against many harmful factors.  Photo: Shutterstock.As a psychological phenomenon, fear protects against many harmful factors. Photo: Shutterstock.

Fear of losing control

The control you have over life is actually very limited. Individual decisions can be made, but everyone is influenced and conditioned by many external factors.

This lack of confidence in life usually makes us want to be in control of the uncontrollable. Since this is not possible, the Fear It tends to reinforce itself and you want to control your children, your partner, your objects and possessions.

Fear of losses

Personal or material, it is another form of Fear lose control, but orient yourself towards what you abandon, which implies that you live with the conviction of having something or someone.

The fear that everything will remain the same

When you don’t like a situation, yes Fear to continue like this. This makes the Fear it is validated with the simple passage of time and everything seems more and more complicated.

In turn, this Fear It has something positive: it helps the person to commit to their personal change.

Fear of losing security

It is often believed that living safely is the key to being happy. However, life is pure insecurity. You don’t know what’s going to happen at any given moment, and how you deal with that surprise affects your life.

In the psychologyHe Fear Losing security leads you to seek it so intensely that you always feel dissatisfaction, frustration, anxiety and, therefore, even more. Fear.

Source: Clarin

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